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Crime and freedom of movement are the biggest security problems in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio, KoSSev, KIM radio)

The biggest security problem for the Serb community in the North of Kosovo is crime and for the Serbs South of Ibar freedom of movement - says the research within the project "Did the Brussels Agreement Forgotten Citizens" conducted by NGO "Crno Beli Svet" (Black and White World) and TV Mir based in Leposavic.

Drecun: Albanian soldiers provocation for Serbs (TV Pink, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

After Albanian soldiers toured Mitrovica North couple of days ago and the announcement that several hundreds of them would be deployed to the north of Kosovo, Chairperson of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said it represents an endangerment of the security of Serbian people there.

Drecun told TV Pink he has no confirmation that several hundreds of Albanian soldiers would be deployed as part of KFOR, however he did not exclude possibility of that to happen.

Covic: Some evil is being prepared for Serbs in Kosovo (Telegraf, Tanjug, B92)

Former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic, believes that "some evil is in store" for Serbs in northern Kosovo. In his view, Pristina authorities, with the support of their foreign mentors, are planning to "round off their sovereignty in the whole territory of Kosovo and Metohija."

Vucic: If KFOR doesn't protect Serbs - there are those who will (BETA, B92)

The presence of the Albanian army in the northern part of Mitrovica was "deliberate and planned," the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said. The goal was to intimidate the Serbs in Kosovo and provoke Serbia, President Vucic said on Friday.

Late on Thursday, the Serb List, a party representing Serbs in Kosovo, asked KFOR to explain the presence of several soldiers from Albania in the northern, Serb part of the ethnically divided town earlier in the day.

Marko Jaksic: We’re coming to Belgrade on April 13 (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, lawyer, former councillor of the CI SDP - Oliver Ivanovic in North Mitrovica municipality and one of the organizers of the “#1 in 5 million protest” in this city confirmed to the Belgrade based daily Danas that the “citizens who participate in protests in Kosovo will come to Belgrade on April 13”.

Drecun: London’s warning political maneuver (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

A warning London has sent to the British citizens saying they should not travel to the north of Kosovo resembles more a political maneuvre that has something else in its background, and not security threats, interlocutors told Tanjug news agency. They also noted if British services have such information, they should share it with Belgrade, Pristina and KFOR.

COM KFOR: Irresponsible rhetoric is concern (RTS, Jedinstvo)

KFOR Commander Major General Lorenzo D’Addario in an interview to Jedinstvo weekly said nothing indicates that the incidents could happen in Kosovo, adding KFOR is fully committed to implementing its mandate in line with UN SC Resolution 1244.

General D’Addario noted the only concern is caused by rhetoric used by all sides, since it creates an environment in which one isolated incident may escalate. He also appealed to everybody, including the media, to take care that their statements do not cause far-reaching consequences.

Rakic: Vucic’s message is our greatest protection (Beta, Politika, N1)

President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic says that the biggest support to the Kosovo Serbs was “a clear message” of the President of Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic who said he would not allow the expulsion of Serbs (from Kosovo).

Goran Rakic told the Belgrade based daily Politika that with help from Serbia, Kosovo would not experience a humanitarian catastrophe.