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Kurti: Albanians don’t love America and Americans (Insajderi)

The former leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti, while speaking today to the protesters in front of the government building said Albanians do not love America or Americans. "I think Albanians have some kind of anxiety and fear the US might abandon them, but I don't think Albanians love America and Americans,” Kurti said.  With regards to the Assembly session today, Kurti said if Thaci is elected president today, "it means he has already made a compromise with Serbia’s PM Aleksandar Vucic. “Vucic doesn’t give votes for free.

Kosovo Elects New President, Opposition Protests (AP/ABC News)

Kosovo's Parliament is expected to elect Hashim Thaci, Foreign Minister and former guerrilla leader, as the next president.

Thaci, who led the fighters of Kosovo's successful separatist war against Serbia in 1998-99, believes he has the votes in the 120-seat Parliament. Kosovo declared independence in 2008, although that is rejected by Serbia.

Haxhiu to LDK MPs: Do not go to the session (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Albulena Haxhiu, wrote on her Facebook page that “the square of opposition will be filled with the citizens of the Republic.”

Rejection by the opposition inside and by the citizens outside, will prevent Thaci from being elected president. Deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo: Do not go to the session!” Haxhiu wrote.

Thaci’s election becomes complicated: Serbs with five demands (RTK)

Hashim Thaci’s election has gotten quite complicated. The Serbian List is asking for five demands to be met, otherwise they will leave the Assembly session, making it impossible for Thaci to be elected president. Gazeta Express has learned that the demands of the Serbian List are related to the agreements reached in Brussels during the discussions between Pristina and Belgrade. It is not known whether these demands can be technically fulfilled today.

Ymeri: Thaci cannot become President without meeting Serbian List’s demands (media)

Visar Ymeri, leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, writes on his Facebook account that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader “Hashim Thaci cannot become President of Kosovo without meeting the demands of the Serbian List, a political entity created in Belgrade and which does not represent Kosovo Serbs, but only Belgrade and Vucic”. “The Serbian List has started threatening Hashim Thaci to get the most out of him. Thaci wants power so much that he is willing to promise and give everything to Serbia just so he can become President of Kosovo.

CDHRF: No provocations on the day of the election of the President of Kosovo! (Telegrafi)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) issued a communiqué today expressing concern over the possible confrontation between government supporters, who have announced celebrations for Hashim Thaci’s election as President of Kosovo on Friday, and supporters of the opposition who are rejecting Thaci’s election.

The snake-bite (Insajderi)

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Pristina-based news site Insajderi, Vehbi Kajtazi, writes today that tomorrow PDK leader Hashim Thaci might be elected president of Kosovo, but, "he has never been a unifying leader during the two decades of his political life." “His political career is tainted with murder-charges, drug trafficking, and control and elimination of political opponents.

Kurti: Tomorrow’s protest starts at 10:00 and it will be massive (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Assembly MP Albin Kurti, from Vetevendosje movement said to TV Dukagjini that the protest of the united opposition to oppose Hashim Thaci’s election for president of Kosovo, will start on Friday at 10:00 hours. According to Kurti, the government is trying to pass for president an individual who accepted the Demarcation and Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. “There was no extraordinary session in Kosovo for education, healthcare or the North.

Movement for Unification calls on protesters and celebrators to show self-restraint (Koha)

The Movement for Unification (LB), a partner in the ruling coalition, issued a media communiqué today calling on all Kosovo citizens to refrain from putting themselves in dangerous situations on Friday when the Assembly will elect the new President of Kosovo. “The situation can become tense and get out of control on Friday, when the Kosovo Assembly is scheduled to vote for the new President of Kosovo … On the same day and at the same place, the opposition and the PDK [Democratic Party of Kosovo] have announced their activities.

Caushi: Vetevendosje did not burn the cars, attacks are not unexpected (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje Deputy Leader, Driton Caushi, told RTV Dukagjini today that an increasing number of people are joining the protest organized by the joint opposition in downtown Pristina. Asked to comment on the attacks against the vehicles of two government ministers, Caushi said the Vetevendosje Movement has nothing to do with the attacks. “However, such attacks are not unexpected given the aggressiveness of the government vis-à-vis the opposition and the people of Kosovo,” he added.