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Haradinaj: An unconstitutional campaign is taking place (Zëri)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Ramush Haradinaj said that the campaign of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, and Assembly President Kadri Veseli to impose voting for the demarcation of the border with Montenegro, is a flagrant violation of the Constitution.

Haradinaj: Pressure on MPs is violation of Constitution (media)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, through a press statement said today that Kosovo government leadership is violating the Constitution by putting pressure on MPs to vote the border demarcation deal. “Kosovo’s president, prime minister and speaker of the Assembly are violating the Constitution by pressuring the MPs to vote the demarcation deal with Montenegro. Kosovo will have its borders, without taking or giving away any territory.

Haradinaj: Biden’s visit an honor for Kosovo and opposition (RTKlive)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, spoke about the visit of the U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden to Kosovo. He did not see a problem on the fact that Biden would not meet the opposition parties. “The visit of the U.S. Vice-President, Joe Biden is an honor for Kosovo, while the Institutions of Kosovo are the discussing party. This visit is also an honor for the opposition,” Haradinaj said.

Haradinaj: Commission’s border demarcation report, wrong (Telegrafi)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, told the media today that the report of the Kosovo government’s commission on border demarcation with Montenegro is wrong as it relied on inaccurate records. “It was based on cadastral records and not state borders,” said Haradinaj.

Haradinaj: I don’t expect results from demarcation debate (Kosovapress)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, told the news site that he will participate in the demarcation debate on Wednesday, but doesn’t expect any results from this debate. “The debate on border-demarcation to be held tomorrow is an opportunity to hear the final conclusions by experts. I will be part of the debate but I don’t expect any results from it,” Haradinaj said. He said the AAK will return in the Assembly to oppose the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro.

Haradinaj: I am confident on a rightful solution with Montenegro’s assistance (RTK)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said today he is confident that Montenegro will contribute to a rightful solution of the border demarcation issue. Haradinaj also thanked the Albanian community living in the U.S. for their reaction toward the demarcation deal. “I would like to thank all Albanians living in the United States, for opposing the current version of the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro.

Haradinaj supports government’s decision on EULEX (Indeksonline/Botapress)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said on Friday he supports the decision of the Kosovo government to extend EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo for another two years.  According to him, EULEX is still necessary in Kosovo because Kosovo is failing in the justice area. “Kosovo is failing in the rule of law and therefore EULEX’s presence is still necessary in Kosovo.  However, EULEX should be active throughout Kosovo, even in the north,” Haradinaj said.

AAK, NISMA ready to renegotiate Association/Community (Telegrafi)

The news site covers a joint press conference held today by Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). Haradinaj said that Serbia’s interference in Kosovo and the bad governance are two of the most pressing issues in Kosovo. Haradinaj and Limaj stated that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities should be renegotiated after the findings of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo that the agreement is not fully in line with the Constitution.

Haradinaj delivers message ahead of 14 May protest (RTK)

The president of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, in a video message called on the people of Kosovo to join the protest that his party is planning to stage together with the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) on 14 May. In his address, Haradinaj said that Kosovo is not doing well and it is not able to ensure economic development. Corruption has reached endemic levels, he added, while the agreements on the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and the border demarcation with Montenegro are a setback for Kosovo.

Molliqaj: Haradinaj does not possess purity or wisdom to overthrow the regime (Gazeta Express)

Dardan Molliqaj from Vetevendosje movement, spoke about the problems with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and its leader, Ramush Haradinaj. Speaking for the public broadcaster RTK, Molliqaj said that Ramush Haradinaj cannot lead the “Alternative” list, being that he does not possess the purity nor wisdom to bring down what he calls “regime.”