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Kosovo Government reports to EU on implementation of Brussels Agreements (Koha)

Government of Kosovo has presented to European Union report on the Brussels dialogue and implementation of agreements covering the period from January to September 2014. The report, signed by Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri, provides an assessment of the Kosovo Government on the progress in the implementation of agreements and challenges in normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.  

Kosovo – good only for dialogue with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, says that there is very little curiosity for this year’s European Commission (EC) progress report and one of the reasons for this is that there is no uncertainty regarding possible recommendations that will derive from the document. Now, when Kosovo has already closed negotiations for Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and can make no further integration steps without being recognised by five EU member states, the EC has nothing to recommend, claims Palokaj.

First chapter to open before end of 2014 (B92,Tanjug,Blic)

Jadranka Joksimovic expressed the belief on Thursday that Serbia will open the first negotiating chapter by the end of the year.

Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, expressed the belief on Thursday that Serbia will open the first negotiating chapter by the end of the year, noting that this step would serve as an additional encouragement to Serbia's efforts by the European Commission.

Cliff: Coalition wanted Vetevendosje to be given a chance, like it was given to Nikolic (Indeksonline)

In an interview for the website news, British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ian Cliff, spoke about the idea of Vetevendosje leading dialogue with Belgrade and stressed that the international community, and particularly the British Government, are not overly concerned with who will actually lead the process.  “Our position is that if there is an agreement that includes Vetevendosje, it should also incorporate commitment for implementation of dialogue agreements and its continuation. If they want to make this dialogue more transparent and reports more to the parliament, that’s fine.

Janjic: Brussels dialogue is not interrupted (KiM radio)

The Serbian list decided not to enter the Kosovo government if Self-determination movement is part of it. President of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic said that it is imposed decision. "Let us remember that the Serbian list already made a big mistake a month ago. Then, the Serbian list voted for the selection of Isa Mustafa, whose party then had Self-determination as a partner," said Janjic.

"Poor results of the Brussels talks" (KiM radio)

The results of dialogue in Brussels did not contribute to establishing trust between Serbs and Albanians, it was agreed at the debate, "Reconstruction of the Future" held in Belgrade.

The debate indicated that the representatives of the political elite in Belgrade and Pristina lack sincerity, and that praises about the achievements of the dialogue in Brussels are unfounded.

Ashton welcomes energy agreement (Tanjug)

BRUSSELS - The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Policy Catherine Ashton has welcomed the agreement reached earlier this week between Serbia's and Kosovo's power transmission companies with EU mediation.

"Through this agreement between the Transmission System Operators energy relations between Pristina and Belgrade will be normalised, and KOSTT can play its role of managing the high-voltage networks in Kosovo," Ashton said in a press release late Friday.

Dialogue is not transparent (RTK2)

There are many shortcomings in the process of dialogue, and some of them are lack of transparency and lack of care for the citizens, was said at the meeting of the Group for Political and Legal Studies in Pristina.

"We demand accountability of the Government of Kosovo as a party of the agreement that was reached in Brussels," said Fisnik Korenica, stating that the main points of the agreement are not being implemented.


Power supply in north Kosovo remains in Serb hands (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE- The agreement signed between Belgrade and Pristina on Tuesday keeps the power supply in northern Kosovo in the hands of the Serb community there, Serbia's liaison officer in Pristina Dejan Pavicevic said on Wednesday.

The agreement will last only if both sides implement it, and suitable guarantees have been secured to that end, Pavicevic said in awritten statement.