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Bulgaria denies Madrid: "No veto to Kosovo, or signatures from the Balkans" (Blic)

Ambassadors of all 28 EU member states, including Spain, approved a draft declaration that should be accepted at the summit EU - Western Balkans in Sofia, Tanjug learns in Brussels.

"The draft of the Declaration was approved by the ambassador of Spain to the EU, and it is up to the member states to accept it," Bulgaria's Permanent Representative to the EU Genoveva Cervenakova told Tanjug.

Kosovo Minister of Education: Serbian schools in Kosovo continue to work under the system of Serbia (Blic, KIM radio, Telegrafi)

Kosovo's Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi, said that the Serbian schools in Kosovo continue to implement the system of the Republic of Serbia, as well as that they do not submit reports to the said ministry, Belgrade based daily Blic reports, quoting the Pristina's portal Telegrafi.

Bytyqi claimed that attempts were made to integrate communities, but that Serbian schools continue to operate under the system of Serbia.

Stefanovic: Security situation in Kosovo is very serious (Serbian media)

The overall security situation in Kosovo is very serious - Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said in Belgrade on Friday.

Stefanovic told this to Assistant UN Secretary-General Alexander Zuev, and reiterated Serbia's position on the need for UNMIK's continued presence on the ground.

"Neither Merkel nor the EU can assume political responsibility of Belgrade and Pristina" (Blic)

European Parliament deputy from the German Social democratic Party, Josip Juratovic, assesses for Belgrade based news agency Tanjug, before the meeting of Aleksandar Vucic and Angela Merkel, that talks are a good sign of reaching a solution, but believes that neither the EU nor Merkel can take over the political responsibility given to legitimate elected political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina, reports daily Blic.

"Berlin does not seek recognition of Kosovo, but recalls the model of "Two Germanys" (Blic)

Germany will not ask Belgrade to officially recognize Kosovo's independence, but it recalls the model of "Two Germanys", assess Franz-Lothar Altmann, professor of the University of Bucharest ahead of the meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Belgrade based daily Blic reports.

ZSO currently the biggest Kosovo mystery (Blic)

Daily newspaper Blic writes that the Kosovo government has officially announced that the process of forming the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO), even the EU that the drafting of the Statute has begun, and representatives of the Serbs claim that none of this has been done.

Pacolli: "We're working on the ZSO, but I'm not sure it will be until the 20th" (KIM radio, Blic)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli told Belgrade based daily Blic that the Kosovo government is working to form the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO).

However, he says, he cannot predict whether the ZSO will be formed for three weeks, that is, until April 20th.

Demarcation leads to early elections in Pristina? (Blic, Pobjeda)

Political analyst Ramush Tahiri told the daily Pobjeda, based in Podgorica, that this convening of the Kosovo parliament will hardly be able to vote out on a demarcation agreement with Montenegro, and he believes that new extraordinary parliamentary elections await Pristina in the spring, reports the Belgrade daily Blic.

"UN chair for Kosovo lurks behind US package" (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

The US "package" for Kosovo will put Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic in "a very delicate position."

That's according to Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti, which adds that "the package" could be presented to Serbian officials on Wednesday, when US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell will visit Pristina, and then Belgrade.

Kocijancic: Without delay to apply ZSO, soon a new round of dialogue in Brussels (Blic)

European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told today that the agreement on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) must be applied without delay and she announced a new round of technical dialogue from March 19 to 21, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.