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Petrovic: To increase engagement of the police in Serbian areas (RTK2, Blic)

Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo Slobodan Petrovic says that the incidents in Gorazdevac and Srbobran show that a greater involvement of the police is necessary in the Serbian areas.

Petrovic on Wednesday visited Gorazdevac with President of the Kosovo Parliament Kadri Veseli, and urged the competent authorities to urgently find and punish the perpetrators who fired shots in Gorazdevac and Srbobran.

Ivanovic: The international community to exert pressure on Pristina (Blic)

The leader of the Civil Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic seeks from the international community to exert strong pressure on the Kosovo government and the police to protect Serbs in Kosovo.

Ivanovic told that if the international community does not pressure the official Pristina, their "concern and regret" after the terrorist acts will have no effect.

Bishop: Security in Kosovo is getting out of control of the local authorities (Blic)

Bishop of Raska and Prizren Teodosije, strongly condemned terrorist attack on the Serb village Gorazdevac, adding that it shows that the security situation in Kosovo is getting out of control of the local institutions that are unable to provide security to citizens.

Viskovic: Concession about Chapter 35 in Serbia’s EU integration talks (Blic)

Former Serbian Ambassador to Germany Ivo Viskovic said that conditions for Serbia's EU integration will remain, but it is favourable that Germany, at the end, gave up the additional amendments, which supposed to be included in Chapter 35 on Kosovo.  “That's a good sign, one intentional concession, presented to the government by Ernst Reichel who is responsible for South Eastern Europe and Turkey in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” said Viskovic.


Jevtic: We will work so that everybody can return to Kosovo (Blic)

Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic said today in Plemetina village that the goal of this ministry is to initiate closing of all collective centres in 2016.  Minister visited the villages in the municipality of Vucitrn/ Vushtrri, "which were almost forgotten." He stated that the construction and reconstruction of houses for returnees will be continued, not only in Obilic but throughout Kosovo, with the goal that within three years everybody who want return to Kosovo.

Djuric rejected accusations on parallel structures in Kosovo (Blic)

Head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric today rejected allegations of Kosovo Ambassador to the United States, Vlora Citaku, that in Kosovo north exists, as she said, the parallel structures of Serbia. “It is strange that a democratic right of Serbs in northern Kosovo to protest against the delayed implementation of the Agreement on the ZSO, Citaku called parallel structures.


Jevtic: Emergency measures to protect the returnees and their property (KIM radio, TV Most, Blic)

The house of family Lazic in Klina/Kline was stoned on Wednesday night.  Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic assessed the situation as alarming and that urgent steps have to be taken in order to protect the returnees and their property in this and other parts of Kosovo.