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Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, not Serbia (Danas, Blic)

Our priority will be dialogue with the Serbs from Kosovo, we have an economic and social plan for the northern municipalities of Kosovo and we are not against the Serbs, but Serbia is against us, said leader of the Self-Determination Movement Albin Kurti. Belgrade based daily Danas published a summary of Blic newspaper interview with Albin Kurti.

The previous dialogue held with Serbia in Brussels did not set any conditions for Serbia, and internal issues of Kosovo were discussed, which is why the outcome could not have been just, Kurti believes.

Haradinaj: Mutual recognition a condition for the dialogue; Dačić: You know what Serbia thinks of Haradinaj (media)

Most online media in Kosovo and Serbia reported on an interview of Tirana based Top Chanel with Ramush Haradinaj, candidate for Prime Minister, saying that when it comes to Kosovo-Serbia talks there is one condition and that is Belgrade’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence. He further argued that the framework of talks was wrong because it focused on Kosovo’s internal arrangements.

Serbs protested in Leposavić/Leposaviq because of the behaviour of Aleksandar Jablanović (MMagazin, Danas, KoSSev)


Media portal NMagazin reports that more people gathered in Leposavić/Leposaviq, and protested against the incident in which the leader of the Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) Aleksandar Jablanović pulled a gun and threatened activists of the Serbian list in front of the police station.

Protest was joined by the President of the Interim Authority in Leposavić Zoran Todić, who has called for a peaceful gathering.

Shots fired at the office of the mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq (Danas, KoSSev)

Shots were fired on Monday night about 22 hours on the building of the Center for Social Work in Leposavić/Leposaviq, in which cabinet of the mayor Dragan Jablanović is placed, reports portal

Shots were fired and on offices of the Party of Kosovo Serbs, say Jablanović’s cabinet and announce that the mayor will have emergency press conference at 9 am in the building of Social Work.

Đurić: Elections of fateful importance for the future of the Serbian people (Danas, N1)

In Kosovo on June 11 are scheduled elections of fateful importance for the Serbian people in Kosovo and only the Serbian list can guarantee that an army of Kosovo will not be formed, this was said at a press conference after a meeting of representatives of the Serbian List and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, writes Danas daily.

Sputnik: Five Serbian lists in the Kosovo elections (Danas)

Danas reports on Sputnik article saying that most likely five Serbian parties or groupings would participate in the Kosovo's elections. Sputnik says for the campaign nearly a half million euros.

Sputnik adds that it never has been that much money for those taking part in the elections because all participants will get for the campaign almost a million euros of the Kosovo budget; precisely - 942,573 euros.

Serbian government announced an emergency session on the occasion of the release of Haradinaj (Danas)

The Serbian government will hold a special, extraordinary session at 11am over the decision of a French court to acquit Ramush Haradinaj, suspected by Serbia of war crimes. As announced, there will be no statement but after the government session, the press release will be published, reported Danas.



Vučić: I am not aware of the conditionality of the visit to Kosovo (Danas)

Presidential candidate Aleksandar Vučić says he was not officially informed about the alleged conditioning of his visit to Kosovo.

Responding to a question whether the Kosovo authorities have conditioned his visit on 29 March to Kosovo and Leposavić/Leposaviq, Vučić said that he was not informed about it. As reported by media the request was that certain ministers of the Government of Serbia are not in the delegation.