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Less room for Serbs in the new Kosovo government (KiM radio)

Political analyst Dusan Janjic said that the new Kosovo government would be stable, because the opposition is divided, and that the Serbs in it would have fewer seats than before, and that they should be happy if they had a minister and vice president.

Janjic said in an interview for weekly NIN that Serbs did not understand what had happened during several months of formation of the government institutions in Kosovo and that some in Belgrade and Kosovo miscalculated that they would be decisive partner in political arrangements.

Frequent attacks on Serbs in Kisnica (KiM radio)

In Kisnica, near Gracanica, attacks on Serb property are more frequent. The latest incident occurred yesterday, when houses of families Krstic and Trajkovic have been stoned.

The President of the Local Committee for Public Safety in Sušica, Kisnica and Badovac Snezana Jovanovic said that the latest attack on Serbs in Kisnica occurred yesterday when a vehicle’s glass was broken and stones thrown at the houses of families Krstic and Trajkovic.

One fifth of citizens would boycott the elections in Kosovo (Kim radio)

In the case of new parliamentary elections in Kosovo, only 29 per cent of respondents know who to vote for, while 17 per cent of respondents said they would not participate in the elections, are results of the "Public Pulse" survey, which was conducted by UNDP and USAID.

The survey included 1,306 adult citizens of Kosovo, from all municipalities and all national communities - 896 Albanians, 210 Serbs and 200 members of other minorities.

Jablanović: Premature abolishment of the supervised independence (KiM radio)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, President of the Serbian list, said that he does not see which novelty the possible scheduling of new elections in Kosovo could bring. “The current composition presents the balance of power. Citizens voted for it and now institutions in Kosovo and Metohija should be formed," said Jablanović.

Incident in the Serbian part of Orahovac (KIM radio)

In the part of Orahovac/Rahovec populated mainly by Serbs a graffiti “Death to Serb” appeared this morning.

The graffiti is sprayed on the power sub-station, next to the church of Holly Virgin. RTV KIM also reported that unknown perpetrators have set on fire a wooden entrance door of the abandoned house owned by a Serb. Kosovo Police is investigating the case.
