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New project for return of displaced families to Kosovo (KiM radio,Tanjug)

PRISTINA - Representatives of the European Union Office in Kosovo and Kosovo's ministry for communities and return have launched a project worth up to EUR 6 million that should ensure the return of 250 displaced families.

The project will be implemented in seven municipalities - Pec/Peje, Istok/Istog, Klina/Kline, Obilic/Obiliq, Strpce/Shterpce, Suva Reka/Suhareke and Gnjilane/Gjilan over a 30-month period.

Petrovic: Concrete proposals in following days (KIM radio)

“The first step in creation of the Kosovo government could be an offer of the coalition gathered around LDK that a PDK candidate is elected at the post of the Speaker of the Assembly,” said Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister for Local Self-Governance in the Kosovo government, Slobodan Petrovic.

Petrovic said to RTV KIM that major political parties are undertaking serious steps in last couple days in order to overcome the institutional deadlock.


Three Serbs acquitted of war crimes charges (Kim Radio, Tanjug, B92)

The mixed trial chamber of the Priština Basic Court acquitted on Thursday three Serbs of charges that they committed a war crime during the Kosovo war in 1999.

Brothers Slobodan and Srecko Martinović and Svetlana Stojanović were acquitted of charges due to lack of evidence, Srecko Martinovićc's lawyer Dejan Vasić told Tanjug.

The Priština Basic Court and the mixed trial chamber presided by judge Vladimir Mikula passed the ruling on Thursday acquitting the defendants of all charges, Vasic said.


Difficulties in prosecuting those responsible for war crimes in Kosovo (KiM radio)

The prosecution of those responsible for crimes against Serbs in Kosovo aggravated by the fact that the suspects were not available to judicial authorities, but also the fact that prosecutors in Serbia were denied access to evidence and witnesses in Kosovo, said the Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor of Serbia Dragoljub Stankovic.

Former building of Mitrovica Municipal Assembly stoned (Kim radio, Kontakt Plus Radio, Tanjug)

Unknown persons have stoned the building that used to house the Municipal Assembly of Kosovska Mitrovica leaving no one injured.

At the moment of the attack, which took place on Tuesday evening, only security staff was in the building that now hosts the Civil Protection Service, and as they said no material damage was caused since the stones only hit the façade or fell in front of the building.

They also underlined that they did not see the attackers, and that they assume that the stones were whirled using a slingshot.

Pristina: Religious communities request registration (KiM radio)  

The leaders and members of the Islamic, Serbian Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Jewish communities reiterated the appeal to be allowed to register as legal entities and requested the return of property, as well as regulating of their finances.

The second annual conference, "Inter-religious dialogue", organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo was held in order to promote religious and inter-ethnic tolerance and assistance to the religious communities to formulate the common positions.

Bojic: Police is not behind the attack on Ilic (KIM radio)

The Head of Operations of the Kosovo police in northern Kosovo Zeljko Bojic denied accusation of family Ilic that ‘the leadership of the police in Kosovo North region’ is behind the attack on its member Caslav Ilic.

“Exactly from that reason we have requested that Serious Crimes Unit from the Kosovo police headquarters takes over the case and they have concluded the inspection of the crime scene,” said Bojic to Beta agency and added that the same unit will investigate the case, too.


Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë to attend All Souls Day (KIM radio)

Displaced Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë announced their plan to visit the town they were born on the occasion of the All Souls Day.

Djokica Stojanovic, the chairperson of the association of displaced Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë, said that Serbs are planning to visit graveyards in villages Piskota and Petrovac on Saturday in an organized fashion, and later to attend a service at the monastery in Đakovica/Gjakovë.
