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"Great UNS job investigating Kosovo murders of journalists" (B92, UNS)

"Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) has done great job in investigations of murders and abductions of the journalists on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija"

Chairman of the Commission for Investigating Murder of Journalists Veran Matic had announced the possibility of establishing this commission on Kosovo, with the aim of resolving the killings and abductions of 14 journalists and media workers in osovo and Metohija (KiM) from 1998 until 2005.

Pristina deploys police to deny Belgrade officials entry (B92, N1, Kossev)

The deputy commander of Kosovo police in the north has denied that a special unit, "Rosu," had been deployed to this area, KoSSev website is reporting Monday.

According to Besim Hoti, an intervention police unit from the same region was sent to carry out "the operative plan" to ban the planned arrival of several Serbian officials to the territory of the self-proclaimed state.

President addresses gathering on anniversary of NATO attacks (B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic said in Aleksinac on March 24 that Serbia had one card it its hands today to openly say what it thinks, Beta reported.

March 24 was day in 1999 when NATO started its bombing of Serbia, that lasted 78 days.

"Serbia that was not killed, and never will be and that is their greatest curse, and our mission, and our future," Vucic said at the central state ceremony to mark the 19th anniversary of the NATO bombing.

Serbia has received ultimatum on Kosovo - media reports (B92)

Serbia has received an ultimatum - "to recognize Kosovo in exchange for the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)."

At least that's what the press is reporting this Thursday, Prva TV said.

According to the media, the Serbian president "received such an offer" from diplomats in Berlin, Paris, London, and Washington - while this has been "confirmed to him" these last days during the meetings in New York City.

"Vucic and Thaci invited, EU expects full implementation..." (B92)

The EU expects full implementation of all Belgrade-Pristina dialogue agreements, including the one to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

This has been stated by European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic on the eve of a new round of technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina delegations, which begins later in the afternoon in Brussels and will last until Wednesday.

Expert level Kosovo dialogue resumes in Brussels (B92, Serbian media)

A new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the level of experts will be held in Brussels from Monday until Wednesday.

The topics should include implementation of agreements on the Community of Serb Municipalities, energy, the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica, freedom of movement and integrated management of administrative crossings.

NATO general "understands how Serbs feel about NATO" (B92)

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Petr Pavel has told that cooperation with the European Union and NATO "goes hand in hand".

Speaking to Filip Cukanovic after a meeting with Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Pavel also said he was "always satisfied after meeting with partner countries" and that "there is a plan for the future".

Serbian Ministry of Defence "pleased Pentagon doesn't share US general's position" (B92)

We are pleased it has been clarified that General Scaparrotti's recent statements about Serbia and the Serb nation "are not the stance of the Pentagon."

The Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website.

The announcement came after the US Department of Defence said on Thursday it was "misinformation" that prompted Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin to criticize US Europe Commander Curtis Scaparrotti.

Russia opposes the creation of army in Kosovo (B92, Serbian media)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday criticized the idea to create an army in Kosovo.

"The creation of armed forces of Kosovo - a structure that has never in any way approached a state structure - is making the situation even more tense," Zakharova said at a regular press conference, commenting on the statements made this week by US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell.

"Serbia in particular" concerns US Europe commander (B92)

The top US military commander in Europe recently testified before the US Senate about Russia's influence in the Balkans, B92 reports.

Replying to Senator Tom Cotton, General Curtis Scaparrotti singled out Serbia as the greatest cause for concern in this context.

When asked, "Serbia or Republika Srpska" - i.e., Serbia or the Serb Republic, RS, the Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Scaparrotti reiterated, "Serbia. "

Below is the part of the transcript of Scaparrotti's testimony given on March 8, that regards Serbia: