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Vucic and Thaci holding informal meeting in Brussels (B92)

Vucic will travel to Brussels at the invitation of the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Federica Mogherini.

Mogherini, who will host the meeting, announced they will "exchange opinions on the continuation of the dialog, and the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as overall developments in the Western Balkans."

Kurti: Parliamentary commission to consider Brussels agreements (Vranjske,RTK)

The candidate for Prime Minister from the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, told Serbian weekly “Vranjske” that if he becomes the new Prime Minister of Kosovo, he would propose creation of a parliamentary commission which would consider the Brussels agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade. Kurti said that an internal dialogue in Kosovo and in Serbia is required and added that he is not against reconciliation.

Gorani seek dismissal of Adem Hoxha (KIM radio)

Citizens' Initiative of Gorani seek from the President of Serbia and the Government to dismiss president of the Interim body of the Government of Serbia for the municipality of Gora Adem Hoxha, because, as they say, abuse of the office and threats to Gorani, report KIM radio.

KIM radio reports that the announcement of the Initiative states that Hoxha by abusing the office threatened Gorani that they will lose job, pension, health and social security, if they do not vote for his list in the Sunday's elections.

Gorani seek Vučić's help (Blic)

Citizens’ Initiative of Gorani said that the president of the interim authorities in the municipality of Gora in Kosovo Adem Hoxha threatened Gorani in this community with losing their jobs and pensions from Serbia, if in the upcoming elections they do not vote for his political option, Blic reported yesterday.

The initiative strongly condemned threats of Hoxha and expect quick response of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić.

SNF asks Vučić to be a patron of the roundtable on the elections (KIM radio)

Members of the Serbian National Forum (SNF) asked the Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić to be a patron of the roundtable on the topic "Kosovo Serbs in the upcoming parliamentary elections - unity or discord."

In a letter to Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, members of the Serbian National Forum state that Serbian corpus in the upcoming elections will be in a position to choose between three or four lists.

Vucic: Don't worry, there'll be no Greater Albania (B92)

Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbian citizens should not be concerned about Ramush Haradinaj's statements.

According to Vucic, who is currently in Beijing, no such thing as a Greater Albania will exist.

In addition, he said that Haradinaj's statements - like the latest urging Washington to "solve things between Belgrade and Pristina if Brussels can't do it" - are all "part of a concerted policy whose protege is Haradinaj."

Analyst: EU sees Vucic as politician who will deliver Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo (InSerbia)

Struggling against Euroscepticism in Western Europe, the EU is seeking to reinvent itself with expansion to the East that threatens the stability of the Balkans, analyst Igor Pshenichnikov warns.

Amid rising Euroscepticism in Western Europe, the EU is focused on eastern enlargement, but its desire to “relaunch” the European project depends on pressuring eastern European countries into making painful concessions, such as the demand on Serbia to give up sovereignty over Kosovo.

Vecernje Novosti: Vucic, Putin talk about threats coming from Albanians (B92)

Attempts to create a "Greater Albania" have been a topic of conversation as Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that they met in Beijing and spoke about the political situation in the region.

Vucic and Ivanovic seek establishment of the Association (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met today in Belgrade with the head of the Serb Civic Initiative (SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, to discuss the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities, political situation in Kosovo, the future of Brussels dialogue and the procedure against Ivanovic initiated by Kosovo authorities during 2016.