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What is hindering the completion of the temple in Pristina (Kontakt plus radio)

Serbs in Kosovo believe that the time has come for the completion of the Orthodox church of Christ the Saviour in Pristina. Especially after field testing on suspicion of the existence of mass graves which proves the church does not constitute a crime scene.

"We will surely discuss in the next period, for the start, to place fences and thus secure a bit more the object, and then to go into the construction of the temple in the later stages," says Branimir Stojanović, Vice-President of the Kosovo government.

Trajkovic: Pristina University and SPC are crucial for the survival of Serbs in Kosovo (TV Most)

"For us, the most important thing is the firm position of government that diplomas from Pristina University will be relevant in Serbia, bearing in mind that the process of expelling the Serbs, unfortunately, is still going on," told TV Most Rada Trajkovic from the European Movement of Serbs in Kosovo.  She said that students would like to be sure that they can get a job outside of Kosovo, adding that if it comes to integration, the state of Serbia will continue to financially support the university in the same way.

"Borders erased between states - new ones drawn in Serbia" (Vecernje Novosti, B92, Tanjug, Blic)

Why new borders are being drawn within Serbia if Europe is uniting by erasing borders between states, Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej has asked.

"I am not dealing with politics when I'm saying this but, as the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, I am contemplating further consequences of a fragmented Serbia living in a 'united' Europe. This is too serious issue to be dealt by politicians with a limited duration," the Patriarch told Vecernje Novosti daily.

Patriarch sends message for Orthodox Christmas (Kontakt plus radio)

With the traditional greeting, “Peace of God - Christ is born," Patriarch Irinej has congratulated the upcoming Christmas holiday.

In Serbia, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7.

The Patriarch's message was that "we should not allow anyone to divide us on any grounds."

Today, more than ever, Irinej wrote, we need peace in the world and goodwill among peoples.

Nikolic, Vucic and Patriarch Irinej to discuss Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will meet today Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Patriarch Irinej to discuss the EU's draft platform for Chapter 35 on Kosovo.

According to daily Vecernje Novosti, President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) Vladimir Kostic was also invited to attend the meeting, to be held at the Serbian Presidency building.

Bishop Teodosije: Kosovo in UNESCO means occupation of the SPC (Danas)

Bishop of Ras and Prizren Teodosije said that claims of Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, given in an interview to Danas, are unacceptable. Selimi said that "the question of Serbian Orthodox heritage will not be discussed in Brussels, since it was already discussed in Vienna, within the Ahtisaari plan."