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Maric: No subsitute for the Brussels dialogue (RTS)

The upcoming round of talks in Brussels should result in the statute on the establishment of A/CSM. Ljubomir Maric coordinator of the team for establishing the Association/ Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM) said that there is no substitute for dialogue. "The two sides pledged to implement agreements resulting from the dialogue and so far we have seen that the Serbian government has implemented everything that was agreed.

Djuric: The negotiations in 2016 to resolve issues in a sustainable way (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that negotiations with Pristina will continue in 2016 and that issues relating to the position of Serbs should be resolved in a sustainable way.

In a meeting with political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo, Djuric noted, speaking about the plans for 2016, that Serbia would strive to table the topics that Pristina had refused to discuss so far, which relate to the position of Serbs, their property, rights and quality of life.

"Legally binding agreement with Pristina is not recognition" (RTS, Blic)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Radio Belgrade that Serbia "will do everything to, by 2018 or 2019, complete the negotiations with the EU so the organization can make a political decision on Serbia's full membership.

Dacic says that progress on all other chapters will depend on the progress made in chapter 35, which concerns normalization of relations with Pristina; he says " the problem is that it is not clear even to European Union what all implies this chapter.

EU: The position of the Constitutional Court on the establishment of the ZSO must be respected (RTS)

The European Union has "taken note of the position of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to be formed Association / Community of municipalities with Serbian majority", according to Belgrade-Pristina agreement, and stresses that "expects all parties concerned to respect that decision."

Belgrade demands full implementation of the Brussels agreements (KIM radio, TV Most, Politika, B92)

Marko Djuric says that Belgrade is demanding the full implementation of the Brussels agreements reached in talks with Pristina.

"We expect and demand full implementation of the Brussels agreements, we demand from the international community the full implementation of these agreements. Nobody asked us when that constitution (of Kosovo) was passed. We ask that the agreements are fully respected," Marko Djuric told RTS.

Nikolic glad about opening of chapters, with caution (Dailies)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Tuesday evening that he was glad Europe had set Serbia on an irreversible path, but there should be caution as Chapter 35 would show whether Europe would like Serbia to join the bloc with or without Kosovo-Metohija (KiM).

Not a single citizen of Serbia has failed to feel relief and satisfaction because the EU finally recognized the effort Serbia has invested in the past 15 years, Nikolic said.