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A greater conditionality is not expected (RTS)

Dragan Djukanovic, the Center for Foreign Policy, says that ahead of Serbia, in the coming years on the road to the EU, a lot of work and above all, that it should align its legislation with EU legislation.

He expects also from the European Union to put pressure on Pristina, as soon as possible, primarily to unblock the agreement on the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities.

Jevtic: Opening of chapters, important news for the Kosovo Serbs (Blic, RTS)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said tonight that the opening of the first chapters of the EU with Serbia were extremely important news for the Serbs in Kosovo.

- For those of us who live in Kosovo, opening of chapters is important, but also that everything agreed in Brussels will be implemented - he said in a statement to RTS.

Stojanovic: Nothing in Kosovo happens by chance (RTS)

Albanians should take responsibility for the security of Serbs and they should stop looking for excuses for the perpetrators that have not been found, said yesterday Deputy Kosovo Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic.

Stojanovic told the RTS that the atmosphere is such that many radical elements want to raise the temperature to the boiling point.

Then, according to him, the most vulnerable people suffer who live in remote settlements, far away from the Serbian municipalities.

Serbian house stoned in Klina/Kline (RTS)

The house of an elderly couple Mazić in Klina/Kline was stoned several times in the last three days. The attackers pelted the windows of the house, so the damage was already considerable, told the RTS remaining Serbs in the town.

Ruža and Živan Mazić, about 70 years old, have reported all the attacks so far to the police.

The perpetrators of previous attacks have not been found.

In Klina/Kline live about twenty Serbian returnee families.


Ban: ZSO is foundation of the Brussels Agreement (RTS)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's latest report on Kosovo stressed the importance of establishing the Community / Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Ban welcomed the "continued progress" in Brussels dialogue and agreements that Belgrade and Pristina reached on 25 August, and in particular, he said, the agreement on the establishment of ZSO which, in his opinion, is the "foundation" of the Brussels agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, from April 2013.

Dacic: Serbia always for status neutrality of Kosovo (Blic, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that Serbia will never do anything that would go beyond Kosovo's status neutrality.

Commenting on a statement of the President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Vladimir Kostic that the reality was that Kosovo is not in Serbia's hands neither de facto nor de jure, Dacic told the RTS that the reality was that Serbia does not have full sovereignty over a part of its territory but that either have it the authorities in Pristina.