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Albanian National Army (ANA) urges Pristina to withdraw signature from deal on ZSO (RTS, B92, Tanjug)

Albanian National Army organization is demanding that authorities in Pristina "withdraw their signature" from the agreement on the Community of Serb Municipalities.

The agreement was reached last month in Brussels during the EU-sponsored Kosovo negotiations.

The Albanian National Army (ANA) announced they were "ready to intervene at any moment."


The agreement on telecommunications has to be respected (RTS)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic stated on Wednesday that at the meeting in Geneva was told that the agreement on telecommunications reached between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels has to be respected, adding it was also specified that Serbia consent was important in order for Pristina to receive a three-digit calling code.

A/CSM to be formed in four months (TV Most, RTS)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Branimir Stojanović said that Association/Community of Serb municipalities should be established in four months, and added that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are more than happy with the reached agreements. He stressed that a part of Kosovo Albanian political elite and community deems creation of the A/CSM as a threat, which is groundless.


Dacic: Serbia can prevent Kosovo from joining UNESCO (RTS, Politika, Blic)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic believes that Serbia can impede Kosovo's UNESCO membership in November by using diplomatic means and activating as many countries as possible to support its cause.

Dacic said that this topic would not be tabled in the first place, if Resolution 1244 was honoured.

Mihajlovic: Unifying role of the ZSO (RTS)

A long time reporter from Kosovo Milivoje Mihajlovic said that not many things changed since June, when it comes to the Brussels talks. The only thing which changed is orientation of the EU to push for solving the topic. According to him, this is not an agreement about the Community/Association of the Serb municipalities (ZSO) but an agreement that Pristina stop denying it, since the agreement on ZSO was reached in 2013. "All agreements from Brussels are fulfilled except this one.

Mirovic: We are not delighted about the agreement between Montenegro and Kosovo (RTS)

Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party Igor Mirovic said that agreement on demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo, which is set to be signed soon, cannot have serious consequences on relations between Podgorica and Belgrade.

Mirovic said to Podgorica-based Vijesti that Serbia, which considers Kosovo as its territory, is not delighted with the agreement and that it is hard to guess whether there will be any official reactions of the Serbian Government, Beta agency reported.


Kostic against membership of Kosovo in UNESCO (RTS)

President of the Citizens' Initiative Srpska and Mayor of Gracanica Vladeta Kostic believes that there are more important issues than membership of Kosovo in the UNESCO. “"We should think first about economic development rather than on issues that are not much in the interest of the citizens of Kosovo," said Kostic for TV Rokum in Pristina. He says that even if Kosovo join the UNESCO, not even one Serb or Albanian would get the job.

Stojanovic: We will react to any violation of the rights of Serbs (RTS, KIM radio, TV Most)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic said today that all Serbs are interested in the case of the detention of the Civic Initiative leader SDP Oliver Ivanovic and that they would react each time when an individual's rights were threatened.

"So far we did not interfere as the political representatives, but now it becomes clear that this is no ordinary case and that some things are happening that are not regular in law and this we need to point out," said Stojanovic visiting the RTS.

(Un)protected witnesses of the special court in Kosovo (RTS, Politika)

Special court for war crimes is supposed to become operational in the early days of 2016, whereas its most difficult task would be protection of witnesses, along with protection of the accused ones. Prosecution in Belgrade claims that 40 witnesses in processes against Ramush Haradinay and Fatmir Limaj were killed or intimidated.
