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Vucic: What Izetbegovic has to do with Kosovo? (Radio kontakt plus, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic responded to criticism of the Bosniac member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, by asking what Izetbegovic has to do with Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

In an interview for portal Izetbegovic said that “Vucic talks about peace, while getting armament,” and he believes “Vucic tries with strong words to please and calm down radical part of the Serbian public, before he undertakes certain moves in relation to Kosovo, that could cause resistance (…).”

Dacic: Belgrade won’t recognise Kosovo first, and then talk (N1, Beta)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that Serbia would not first accept the independence of Kosovo and then negotiate with Pristina, adding "that’s for sure," the Beta news agency reported.

After meeting his Cape Verde’s counterpart Luis Filipe Taveras in Belgrade, Ivica Dacic told reporters that "unilaterally declared independence (of Kosovo) was an illegal act."

"Our stand is that we don’t recognise Kosovo, an illegal creation."

Simic: The solution must include the legitimate interests of Serbia and the Serbs (Danas, RTK2)

''What the international factor considers as a solution to the Kosovo issue, in the eyes of Serbia and the Serbs means a recognition of Kosovo, and those are not our legitimate interests,'' says Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic, adding that this should change, reports RTK2.

Representatives of the international community are increasingly louder in stating that Serbs and Albanians should agree on Kosovo. For Simic this is a positive thing that should include the Serbian national interests.

Dacic: Forced solutions don’t lead to stability of the region (Diplomacy & Commerce)

"We will continue working on persuading our friends and partners to support the result of the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština, because this will be the only compromising and viable solution. Constructive aid is always welcome, but obstructions are not."

Diplomacy & Commerce talked with Ivica Dačić, Minister of Foreign Affairs and First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, about possible outcomes of current negotiations on the status of Kosovo, the process of EU integrations and relations in the region.

Dacic: "Kosovo in UN? Never" (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo's independence and allow UN membership, and stresses that Pristina authorities daily send very diverse messages that are not related to reality, reports Serbian media.

In the case of Kosovo, a compromise should be sought, and for the statements of Hashim Thaci regarding the merger of Presevo, Dacic says that "he must say something, because he is attacked from all sides".

Ambassador: Germany is sceptic toward border changes (Danas, BETA, TV N1)

Normalization of Belgrade and Pristina relations would contribute to the regional stability, but Germany is sceptic about any potential changes of borders between Serbia and Kosovo, newly appointed German Ambassador to Serbia, Thomas Schieb said in an interview to Belgrade-based daily Danas.

“The European Union made it clear: Serbia can join the EU only after it settles the issues it has with Kosovo. We are very sceptical regarding any changes of borders based on ethnicity,” he said, adding that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has recently expressed this position several times.

Jovanovic: Change of borders is not good, Kosovo special case (B92, BETA)

Leader of Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP) Cedomir Jovanovic said an idea about the change of borders, in general is not good, but that Kosovo is “a special case,” Serbian media reported.

Jovanovic added a chance should be given to hear proposals and to rationally discuss them.

“In general, change of borders is not good. It is one of the basis of security policy. However, let allow possibility to hear some sort of rational explanation and then discuss it,” Jovanovic told Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda.

Meta: An agreement without changing borders (Danas)

In an interview for the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, Albanian President Ilir Meta said that Kosovo and Serbia should reach an agreement without changing the borders.

Asked whether he fears the region's destabilization due to tensions between Kosovo and Serbia lately, the Albanian president said that good relations between Belgrade and Pristina are needed for peace, not only in the region, but also wider.