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Sputnik: Lavrov on the idea of double sovereignty in Kosovo

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Sputnik portal (Serbian language) that the problem of Kosovo, instead of imposing an ultimatum, can be solved only by bringing positions closer and by consensus.

On Sputnik's question about the idea of dual sovereignty in Kosovo, reported by some media in Pristina, Lavrov replied that the West, when it recognized the illegally declared independence of Kosovo, did not mention dual sovereignty.

Kommersant: Deadline for dialogue the end of April, Dacic to harmonize position with Moscow (B92)

Belgrade count on coordinating position with Moscow on the Kosovo issue, reports B92, quoting Moscow daily Kommersant.

The Russian daily devoted an article to the announced visit of Foreign Minister of Serbia Ivica Dacic to Russia.

The daily says that during today's talks between Dacic and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, the main topic of the talks will be Kosovo, because the fate of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should be clarified by the end of April.

Putin: Respect international law, remember Yugoslavia (B92, TASS, Sputnik)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again called for international law to be respected in order to avoid situations similar to the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Putin, who spoke during plenary session of the International Arctic Forum in St. Petersburg, referenced NATO's 1999 aerial war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, i.e., Serbia and Montenegro.

Three Serb generals: Why does Pristina want our head (B92, Sputnik)

Of the 11 indictments taken over by Kosovo courts from EULEX, three are against retired generals: Bozidar Delic, Ljubisa Dikovic, and Momir Stojanovic.

Kosovo courts have taken over war crimes cases from EULEX, and apart from the crimes committed by the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") against Serbs, they will also deal with crimes against the Albanians that the Serbs are suspected of committing.

"Absolutely inadmissible" - Moscow reacts to Albanian PM (B92, Sputnik, Tanjug)

Russia considers unacceptable the statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama about Kosovo being "a part of Albania."

This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova last Friday.
At a regular press briefing, Zakharova said that Russia cannot remain without comment on this statement. Rama also said that "unification of Kosovo and Albania is not 'plan B' but 'plan A'," Sputnik is reporting.

More than 40,000 Albanians ready to leave Kosovo – report (B92, Sputnik,

The mass departure from Kosovo shows that nothing has been done over the past two years economy-wise to make people want to stay, Belgrade based portal B92 quotes the Albanian language website

According to the website, almost 40,000 people are currently waiting for the German embassy to reply to their applications to be granted working visas, so they can leave Kosovo as soon as possible.

Lavrov: Kosovo - a question mark of the EU's reputation (B92, Sputnik,

The strengthening of the presence of NATO and the EU in the Balkans leads to a deeper destabilization of Europe, Sergei Lavrov has said to the Greek daily Efimerida Syntakton, quotes portal B92.

The Russian foreign minister pointed out that Moscow is concerned about these aspirations.

"It's all part of a political Kosovo pot" (Serbian media, International media)

Serbian media covers and today the issue of the disclosure of the letter of the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki R. Haley, proposing the departure of UNMIK from Kosovo.

After yesterday's reports on the indignation of Serbian officials, today the media covers comments and opinions of people familiar with the Kosovo situation as well as international law.