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Jeremic: Vucic and Thaci met in Rome (BETA, B92)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said a high diplomatic source from an EU country told him that Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci met in Rome on November 4, BETA news agency reports.

According to Jeremic, Vucic and Thaci agreed there to raise taxes on the goods from central Serbia.

Speaking to the journalists in Kragujevac city, Jeremic further noted everything that came out from raising taxes on the Serbian goods, all tensions that are for the time being kept under control, are planned to remain controlled.

Israel rejects Thaci's offer: "Our position is quite clear" (B92)

Israel has refused to recognize Kosovo, Pristina-based Koha is reporting. According to the report, Israel did this "although Hashim Thaci made a good offer to the government of Benjamin Netanyahu."

According to the Director for the Balkans in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dan Orian, two months ago Thaci suggested that Kosovo should open its diplomatic mission in Jerusalem, in exchange for getting recognized by Israel.

"Only EU and US can make Haradinaj see reason" (Tanjug, B92)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Veljko Odalovic says that Serbia will not leave its people in Kosovo and Metohija. Odalovic also added that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj "can only be made to see reason by the EU and the US."

Odalovic told RTS that it is "most important that Brussels should be the one to explain to Pristina that things they are doing can cause serious problems."

Who is lobbying that Russians change stance on Kosovo? (BETA)

Analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic told BETA news agency Russia did not change its stance on Kosovo, although an image is being created that Moscow supports an idea on delineation.

“It absolutely has no connection with the official Russian politics, that remains unchanged and Russia does not support independence of Kosovo,” Milivojevic noted.

Trajkovic: Recognition brings nothing essential to Kosovo (RTK2, Danas)

Rada Trajkovic, president of the European Movement of Serbs, told RTK2 that Serbia has already done a lot in the field of compromise with Kosovo, allowing Pristina full internal independence through executive, legislative and judicial power, which is completely independent from Belgrade.

“Clash between Thaci and Haradinaj is clash of two projects for Kosovo” (Danas, RTK 2)

Clash between Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj is a clash between the two projects for Kosovo, leader of the Serb European Movement in Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic told Danas daily.

Trajkovic said the first project includes delineation that would abolish the rights of Serbs deriving from the Ahtisaari’s package, while the second project would include acceptance of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, and the process of resolving the rights of Kosovo Serbs would begin.

Kremlin revealed what Putin told Thaci (Sputnik, B92)

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a brief talk with the president of provisional institutions in Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, Sputnik portal reports referring to the statements of Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov said that Putin pointed out to Thaci Pristina should reach consensus with Belgrade, adding that Russia would support joint decision of Belgrade and Pristina.

"Insulted, not humiliated" - how Serbia faired in France (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92, BETA)

Serbia has not been humiliated, but it is insulted by the seating arrangement during a ceremony in Paris to mark 100 years since the end of WW1, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Wednesday, referring to the scandal that occurred on Sunday.

Vulin told TV Pink that "neither Serbia nor President Aleksandar Vucic had been humiliated, but they have been insulted."

Novosti: Kouchner, Tachi’s “connection” for seat behind Putin? (Vecernje Novosti)

Privileged seat for Hashim Thaci during the ceremony to mark the end of WWI in Paris on November 11, was most probably arranged by Bernard Kouchner, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today.

The daily adds, two days prior to the ceremony, Thaci posted a photo with Kouchner in Paris on his Twitter profile. Bernard Kouchner is former head of French diplomacy, former head of UNMIK, and great friend of so-called Kosovo.