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"Draw line between us and Greater Albania in Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Greater Albania is the biggest threat to peace in the Balkans, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Tanjug news agency.

According to Vulin, the idea of all Albanians living in one state and having one president is "proof of Greater Albania" - and it must be stopped.

Commenting on a statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama - that Albania and Kosovo should have "a common foreign and security policy and president" - the Serbian minister reiterated that the expansion of Greater Albania must be stopped in Kosovo and Metohija.

EU on Rama's statement: Political interference in neighbouring countries is not of a help (RTS)

On the occasion of the "idea" of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the "joint president of Albania and Kosovo", the European Union states that "the statements that can be interpreted as a political interference in neighbouring countries" are counterproductive both in building good neighbourly relations and progress on the path of EU integration of the country region, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Popovic: To declare Rama “persona non grata” in Serbia (RTS)

Statement of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama that Albania and Kosovo would have a common foreign policy and a president is directed against the peace in the region and represents a hostile act against Serbia and its people, Minister without portfolio in the Serbian Government Nenad Popovic told RTS.

Popovic further said because of this statement Edi Rama should be declared “persona non grata” in Serbia and the country should send a harsh demarche to the Albanian ambassador in Belgrade.

"We could join EU together if Serbia recognizes Kosovo" (B92, Beta)

Edi Rama says although Serbia is ahead of Albania in the process of EU accession, the two countries could join the EU together.

Speaking in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday, the Albanian prime minister said this could happen "under the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo."

"This is a performance-based process. Serbia has advantage because it is already negotiating and we hope to start negotiations this year," Rama said.

Rama: Initiative to abrogate specialist court "orchestrated" (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in an interview to the Albanian-based Report TV, spoke about Kosovo and the initiative to abrogate law on specialist chambers which he said was “orchestrated”. At the same time, he said allegations against KLA commanders in the Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty’s report are “science fiction”.

Moscow calls out Albanian PM on "Greater Albania ambitions" (B92, Serbian media)

Recent statements by Albanian Prime Minister Albania Edi Rama are "fully in accord with the widespread Greater Albania ambitions."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said this in a comment by the Information and Press Department "regarding statements by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the Macedonian parliament passing the Law on the Use of Languages."

Simic: Serbs and Albanians pillar of peace and stability (KIM radio)

"Relations between Serbs and Albanians on the rise," said Kosovo Parliament vice-president Slavko Simic during a meeting with Albanian Parliament Speaker Gramoz Ruci, KIM radio reports today.

Kosovo Parliament Vice President Slavko Simic met with Albanian National Assembly Speaker Gramoz Ruci during a two-day visit to Kosovo.

Edi Rama speaks about Kosovo’s border demarcation with Montenegro (media)

After the meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, in Tirana, Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, spoke at the joint press conference about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro.  He said that Kosovo is interested to resolve this problem which has become an obstacle on the road towards the EU. “Haradinaj is requesting some time to divide from the opposition position, and I would not want Mustafa, (LDK leader) to object this agreement which he supported until recently.

Vulin: As always there is no sincere interlocutor among Albanians (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin stated to Tanjug, it was proven once more there is no sincere interlocutor among the Albanians when it comes to the crucial significance for both, the Serbs and Albanians.

“As always when Vucic initiates topics of crucial significance and importance for the Serbs and Albanians, it shows there is no sincere interlocutor among Albanians. Pacolli’s and Rama’s statements should prevent dialogue, hamper Vucic and prevent him getting the Serbs united over Kosovo,” Vulin concluded.

Rama shares Vucic's writing on Kosovo (Gazeta Metro)

Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, shared on his Facebook page the writing of the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, where he speaks about Kosovo. Rama called the text “story of the day” and valued highly the road toward improvement of the relations between Albanians and Serbs. He added that reciprocal efforts in the dialogue will relax further these relations for as he put it “the children of our two nations and responsibility for the future in peace and welfare of our two nations.”