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Simic against draft law on the formation of the Kosovo army (RTS)

A member of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency and a member of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic, voted in today's session against the agenda and proposal to forward to the parliament the three draft laws on the transformation of KSF into the army for consideration, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Apology of the Serbian List MP on the statement on arrival of Thaci to Gazivode (Serbian media)

Zoran Mojsilovic, the Serbian List MP, apologized to his Serb constituency today for his “imprudent” statements regarding the unannounced visit of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to Zubin Potok last weekend. Speaking at the meeting of the parliamentary Committee on internal affairs, security and oversight of the Kosovo Security Force, Mojsilovic said that Thaci’s visit was “seen as a part of political process and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina” and that „nothing happened “.

Serbian List MP: All indicates to the transformation into the Army of Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica Sever)

Three draft Laws on the Kosovo Security Force were adopted, on the proposal of the Commission for Internal Affairs of the Assembly of Kosovo and forwarded to the Assembly for adoption.

Zoran Mojsilovic, MP of the Serbian List, states for the Radio Mitrovica Sever that the Serbian List is against.

Serbian List with Council of EU representatives on problems of Serbs in KiM (TV Most)

Members of the Serbian List held a meeting with representatives of the Council of Europe in charge of the Western Balkans region (COWEB), TV Most reported.

At the meeting, they discussed problems Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija face, relating primarily to the recent attacks on their properties throughout Kosovo, as well as disrespect of the right to property and return of displaced persons.

Serbian government in October with representatives of Kosovo Serbs (RTK2, TV Prva, Tanjug)

The Serbian government will hold a thematic session with representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo in October, where an investment plan for all ten municipalities with a Serb majority will be adopted, announced today the director of the Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric.

Djuric told TV Prva that the construction of new kindergartens and roads was already initiated, and that this is actually a struggle for survival of the people in Kosovo.

Simic: The solution must include the legitimate interests of Serbia and the Serbs (Danas, RTK2)

''What the international factor considers as a solution to the Kosovo issue, in the eyes of Serbia and the Serbs means a recognition of Kosovo, and those are not our legitimate interests,'' says Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic, adding that this should change, reports RTK2.

Representatives of the international community are increasingly louder in stating that Serbs and Albanians should agree on Kosovo. For Simic this is a positive thing that should include the Serbian national interests.

Simic: "Teodosije does not express his opinion, but attacks Vucic" (RTK2, TV Prva, Beta)

Igor Simic, the vice president of the Serbian list, estimated that the bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije did not merely expressed his opinion, but that it was the attack on Vucic and the Serbian List, reports RTK2, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

"It is not an expression of opinion, but a classic attack on President Vucic and the Serbian List, belittling of everything we did, forgetting all the good that was done by Vucic and the Serbian government for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo," Simic told TV Prva.