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Reactions to Srpska Lista waiting for Hahn: “They are shifting the public focus from the arrest of those suspected of killing Oliver Ivanovic” (Kossev)

Srpska Lista MPs have been in the Kosovo Assembly since yesterday waiting for the arrival of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn in order to inform him about Pristina’s „anti-Serb moves“ that are leading toward „a humanitarian catastrophe“ of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

They are protesting against the 100% custom taxes imposed on Serbian products arriving into Kosovo. Hahn does not have an officially scheduled meeting with them.

Odalovic: Hahn will ask Pristina to give up provocations (RTS)

Veljko Odalovic, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the RTS News, that the arrival of Johannes Hahn is very important as well as talks both in Belgrade and Pristina. He says that the talk with the representatives of Pristina is important because, as he says, ''they forgot that there are Serbs in those institutions as well. "

Searched house in ownership of Milan Radojcic (Politika, RTS)

Politika reports, citing Pristina's Gazeta Express, that KBS allegedly conducted a search of the house owned by Milan Radojcic and added that Kosovo Police spokesman Daut Hoxha refused to confirm this.

Daily says that the search was carried out on the orders of the prosecution, and within the action in which four Serbs were arrested this morning, three in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic in January this year, and one for interfering with the investigation - according to the Kosovo police.

Simic: Decision to keep EMS in Kosovo a great relief for Serbs (RTS)

The decision of the European Energy Agency on the Elektromreza Srbije (Electric network of Serbia) to remain a part of the energy system in Kosovo has brought great relief to the Serbs in Kosovo, says Deputy of the Serbian List Igor Simic.

Simic told in the RTS News that energy independence and security of citizens and economy in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo is of huge importance.

Serbia prepares assistance of 4.5 billion for the Serbs in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

According to Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti the announced special economic package of the Government of Serbia for 'the rebirth of Serb communities in Kosovo, is worth as much as 4.5 billion dinars.

This ''capital plan'' will be discussed Tuesday in a joint session of the Government with Serb leaders from the territory of Kosovo, which will be attended and by President Aleksandar Vucic.

Jevtic: We do not give up on the return of Serbs to Kosovo (RTS)

A joint session of the Government and representatives of Serbs is being held today in Belgrade, where a comprehensive package of assistance and support to municipalities with a Serb majority in Kosovo will be approved, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS). President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will meet with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo in the Palace "Serbia".

In addition to the adoption of the investment plan, measures of incentives will be harmonized for those would invest in the territory of Kosovo.

Djuric: The most comprehensive package of assistance to the Serbs in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has announced that at a joint session of the Government of Serbia and all representatives of Serbian institutions in Kosovo, will be approved ''the most comprehensive package of assistance for the Serbs in Kosovo'', emphasizing that initiative for the joint session came from President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, reports portal NMagazin, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

Sheholli: The idea on borders' correction still actual; 95 percent would sell property in Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The Director of the Institute for the promotion of inter-ethnic relations Fatmir Sheholli says that the initiative of correcting the borders as a solution to the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina and the normalization of relations is still ongoing, despite the opposition of some Kosovo parties and politicians.

Albanians refuse to see St. Vitus as a holiday in Kosovo (RTS, Koha Ditore)

Albanian MPs, members of the relevant parliamentary committee that discussed the Kosovo Holidays Act, voted unanimously against the demands of the Serbian List to include the June 28th (Serbian Orthodox holiday Vidovdan (St. Vitus) in the act, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

The RTS quotes Pristina daily Koha Ditore that the Serbian List requested to include the 28th June in the Law on holidays, but the first to oppose this request was MP Milaim Zeka, considering the request as an insult to the Albanians.