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Slovak FM thinks Belgrade and Pristina "can find solution" (B92)

Serbia "cannot trade with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija," First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday.

According to the Serbian government, Dacic made the remark after his meeting in Belgrade with Slovakia's acting Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Ivan Korcok.

Stojanovic appointed as State Secretary in Serbian Ministry of Economy (KoSSev portal)

Former Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and a member of Srpska Lista, Branimir Stojanovic is appointed by the Government of Serbia, as a State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy, KoSSev portal reports today.

Decision on the appointment was made on 31 January 2018.

“New role and new tasks. Everything in service to our people and Serbia,” Stojanovic wrote on his Facebook profile and posted decision on the appointment, KoSSev portal reported.

Serbian Government: "Stabilization of Western Balkans crucial for economy" (B92)

First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic said in Washington that stabilization of the Western Balkans is crucial for the development of the region's economy.

Dacic spoke on Wednesday at a panel dedicated to business and investment in the Western Balkans during the conference of the Atlantic Council.

Belgrade lessons to Kosovo Serbs (RFE, Blic, N1)

The decision of the Serbian List to freeze relations with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is absurd, destructive and ordered from Belgrade, according to Thaci's Cabinet, Radio Free Europe (RFE) reports.

The Serbian list has decided to freeze every communication with the president of Kosovo, because it has determined that his policy, as far as the position of the Serbs in Kosovo is concerned, is "anti-constitutional, unlawful and at the expense of the Serbian people."

"Belgrade seeking compromise, Pristina ignoring obligations" (B92)

Ivica Dacic says UNMIK’s presence in Kosovo and Metohija in an undiminished scope is of vital importance for stability and security in the province.

The following is the Serbian first deputy PM and foreign minister's full speech delivered at the United Nations Security Council session in New York on Tuesday dedicated to the work of UNMIK, as published by the Serbian government.

Ivanovic: We move on (KIM Radio)

“Srpska Lista was not our opponent, our opponent was the entire Government of Serbia with all its resources. When you take that into consideration, our result is not that bad,” leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic said to KIM Radio.

According to the preliminary results Ivanovic won 1.462 votes in Mitrovica North, more respectively 18.98 percent.

Serbian Government sets up working group for dialogue on Kosovo (Tanjug)

The Serbian Government on Monday adopted a decision to form a working group tasked with supporting internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija.

All ministries will be included in the working group's activities, and it will be headed by Marko Djuric, director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, a statement said.

The working group will offer support to authorities, organizations and bodies in the process of conducting the internal dialogue, as well as monitor and coordinate activities undertaken by state authorities in the process of conducting the dialogue.

Srpska Lista continues campaign in Gracanica (RTS)

Srpska Lista, continued its campaign for local elections in Kosovo, and presented its mayoral candidate for Gracanica municipality, Srdjan Popovic, RTS reported.

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric attended the gathering in Gracanica to offer the support to Srpska Lista on behalf of the Serbian Government, RTS reported.

Nis-Pristina highway construction "to start next year" (B92)

Works to build the first section of the Nis-Merdare-Pristina highway - from Nis to Plocnik - will begin next year, B92 reported.

This is according to a plan of the Serbian Government and the European Investment banks (EIB), Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic said on Wednesday.

According to the Serbian Government, Mihajlovic said this as she met with Director of the EIB for the Western Balkans Dubravka Negre, and "pointed out the importance of the so-called highway of peace."