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Jeremić: Vučić in desperation requested meeting with Guterres (TV N1)

Leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremić said for the TV N1 morning news that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić requested a meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday night for Wednesday.

“That’s not how it’s done in the United Nations, one cannot ask today for tomorrow, it looks bad in the eyes of the international community” Jeremić said. He added he learned from international sources that President Vučić did not ask for security detail during his stay in New York.

Jankovic met with Mitchell (BETA, B92)

Leader of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Sasa Jankovic told USA State Department official Wess Mitchell “it is an illusion that Kosovo issue can be solved in a dictatorship instead democracy,” Serbian media reported.

Jankovic also added “Mitchell leaves the Balkans obviously more concerned than when he arrived.”

Jankovic said that the Association of Serb Municipalities, the collective rights of Serbs and extraterritoriality of monasteries are achievable.

“West sick of Kosovo story, wants speedy solution” (BETA, Sputnik, B92, TV Most)

Leader of Peoples Party (Vuk Jeremic) told Sputnik that Pristina’s allies got sick of Kosovo story and want to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Jeremic added, membership of Kosovo to the UN is not as much important to Pristina as it is important to its allies in the international arena, who would like “to conclude the story they got sick of”.

Jeremic: Vucic's visit to Zagreb is a test for visiting Pristina (NMagazin)

National Party President Vuk Jeremic says that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's visit to Zagreb is "kind of a general rehearsal" for Vucic's state visit to Pristina, which he plans after signing a legally binding agreement and after Kosovo becomes a member of the UN "with the blessing of the current government in Serbia", reports NMagazin  today.

Vulin: We must not allow reduction of UNMIK (KiM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Defense, thinks that one of the biggest mistakes of the Serbian diplomacy was made during times when Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic were in power, by bringing in EULEX and removing UNMIK from Kosovo, KiM Radio reported.

“This had to be done with the consent of Serbia, and Serbia due to only its and those people who were in power known reasons did it,” Vulin said.

Jeremic: Vucic plans to trade Kosovo for audience with Merkel (BETA, B92)

People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic says President Aleksandar Vucic is not capable of reaching a favorable compromise deal on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

According to the former foreign minister, Vucic is "preparing to allow Pristina to get a chair in the UN, at the request of foreigners, and in return get only a one-day visit to German Chancellor Angela Merkel."

Jeremic: Solution for Kosovo would not speed up Serbia’s road toward EU (N1)

The crucial states of the European Union do not have political readiness to accept Western Balkans states in the EU, said participants at the discussion “Global Winds of Change and Consequences on the Western Balkans,” organized by the Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD), N1 reported today.

Peoples Party: Negotiation process with EU slow (FoNet, Danas)

Peoples Party, headed by Vuk Jeremic, said the negotiation process with the EU is rather slow, despite concessions made in negotiations with Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

The European integrations are slow because of corruption and catastrophic situation in the judiciary, which has been confirmed by the statements of the highest EU officials on Monday, the party further said. It added, the best example of a slow pace is a fact that only two chapters were opened instead of five as planned.

Ex FM recalls dramatic moments around UN Kosovo resolution (BETA, B92)

Vuk Jeremic says that he still believes that a decision made in 2010 to change Serbia's draft UN General Assembly resolution on Kosovo was "completely wrong."

"I was informed from Belgrade that it was decided to change the resolution the evening before the vote, where I had secured a majority for our original text. I was in shock and trying to contact Belgrade," Jeremic, at the time Serbia's foreign minister, who now heads the People's Party, told the Fakti website.

Serbia can be neutral, and be our partner - NATO chief (Tanjug, B92, Danas)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces can be done only in accordance with the Constitution, Serbian media reported.

Stoltenberg told a joint news conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels yesterday afternoon that he "clearly stated his position" on this issue "many, many times."