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Antic: “Internal dialogue” in order not to have dialogue (BETA, B92)

Member of People’s Party Political Board and historian, Cedomir Antic said that the so-called internal dialogue on Kosovo issue was launched in order not to have a real dialogue, Serbian media reported.

Antic also added, that the government is trying to talk now when it has accepted the integration of the north of Kosovo under Pristina’s authority with the Brussels agreement.

Jeremic to form political party in October (Blic, B92)

Vuk Jeremic plans to form a political party, named Peoples Party and its constitutive session would be held on 22 October in Belgrade, Serbian media reported.

According to Jeremic’s team, there was no need to collect the signatures as the party would be formed by re-registration of the Peoples Movement of Serbia, whose initial founder Miroslav Antic agreed to it.

A new statute, programme and other acts would be presented at the constitutive session, and party’s bodies would be elected.

Jeremic: Democracy in the Balkans is under siege, and the West is looking away (The Washington Post)

Events in the Western Balkans twice cast a long shadow across Europe in the past century — first in 1914 and then in the 1990s. Both times, the forces unleashed by the carnage could not be contained within the existing international order. And in both instances, proffered solutions failed to resolve the underlying tensions that brought about the conflicts in the first place.