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Kosovo Police: No incidents during Vidovdan, tendentious writing of the Kurir tabloid (KoSSev)

''The event in Gazimestan on the occasion of the Vidovdan holiday occurred without any individual incidents, while the reports of the Serbian media about it are tendentious and untrue,'' the Kosovo Police explained in yesterday’s detailed report following the June 28th celebration.

According to their estimates, between 800 and 1000 participants registered at Gazimestan. Kosovo Police also refuted the claims made by the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir in their news: ''Scandal at Gazimestan: Albanian police forced a Serbian grandpa to take off his T-shirt!''

Team TV Prva and Gracanica Online yesterday were denied entry to Gazimestan (

Kosovo police yesterday did not allow entry into the memorial complex on Gazimestan to correspondents of the Belgrade based TV Prva and editor-in-chief of Gracanica Online portal, Andjelka Cup and Nikola Milosavljevic, reports portal

Kosovo court extends detention for 31 arrested in May (Serbian media)

The Kosovo Appellant Court rejected defence appeal against the detention of those arrested on May 28 and extended the custody for 31 men suspected of corruption, smuggling and abuse of office, the Beta news agency reported on Thursday.

The ruling said the detention had to be extended due to the possibilities of suspects tampering with evidence, influencing the witnesses or fleeing.

Kosovo Police prohibit Serbs the Holy Trinity celebration in the Petric village (KIM radio, Radio Mitrovica Sever, Kossev)

Kosov Police banned the Serbs to celebrate the Holy Trinity in the village of Petric near Klina, reported Serbian media based in Kosovo.

KIM radio reported that Kosovo police did not allow lithium for the Serbs who gathered in the village Petric.

Resident of the village, said that about 30 Serbs gathered for the lithium to celebrate the holiday of the village, where they used to live once.

Kosovo police open fire at van with Serbian licence plates, Lawyer says illegal use of firearms (N1, Beta, KoSSev)

Kosovo border police officers opened fire at a van with Serbian licence plates after the driver refused to stop, a Kosovo police spokesman told the media, reports regional broadcaster N1, quoting Beta news agency.

Serbian FM Dacic to VoA: Pristina preparing operation to take over Trepca (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Voice of America, after a UN Security Council session devoted to the latest UNMIK report on the situation in Kosovo, that the authorities in Pristina are planning to take over the Trepca mining complex and are setting explosive devices in the north of Kosovo.

Grasso: KFOR cannot give information on behalf of others (Danas)

KFOR Spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso told Belgrade based daily Danas that there is a lot of discussion about whether an information is given but one can check that during the interview for TV Prva, he said that "everyone was informed", which meant that the information was previously disclosed.

He added that KFOR cannot provide the information on behalf of other and specifies that there was no reason to react to the police action, conducted in order to reduce the crime rate, which is beneficial to everyone.

Djukanovic: It is very important to hear the objective situation in the UN (RTS)

President of the Centre for Foreign Policy Dragan Djukanovic told Serbian state television (RTS) that the most important thing is to create the conditions for continuation of the dialogue that should result in final signing of an agreement on full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djukanovic said in the RTS morning news that the UNMIK announcement came with a delay, and it indicated that UNMIK did not have the same kind of data as the Kosovo police.

Pantovic: There is a possibility of new arrests (Kontakt plus radio, TV Prva)

One of the lawyers of the arrested Serbs Ljubomir Pantovic told TV Prva that 31 persons have been arrested in the action of ROSU, but that there is a possibility of new arrests, reported Kontakt plus radio, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

As Pantovic said, there are reports that two more people voluntarily reported to the Kosovo Police Inspectorate.

UNMIK: Kosovo Police's allegations about our staff are contrary to what we know, procedures and their rights violated, excessive use of force (KoSSev)

''The information presented by the Kosovo Police in its own latest press release is not at all in line with our information on the events, and no concrete evidence has so far been shared with the United Nations by relevant Kosovo police and other Kosovo authorities,'' replied UNMIK to Kossev portal's question on the Zubin Potok events.