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Collaku: I just signed the SAA, congratulations citizens of Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, informed on his Facebook account that he has just signed the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the European Union.

“I am happy and proud to have been part of this historical moment of formal determination of the Republic of Kosovo towards the EU integration and membership. I told this to the High Representative, Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn as well.”

Delawie: Recent developments at the Assembly, an obstacle to progress (Klan Kosova)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, stated that the recent developments at the Assembly represent an obstacle to the progress of Kosovo. According to him, corruption continues to be the biggest obstacle to the economic growth. He made these comments during the meeting of the High Level Forum, where the national strategy for economic development was presented. Delawie said that the U.S. will continue to support Kosovo, and especially the youth, who according to him, are Kosovo’s biggest asset. He said that the U.S.

Thaci: Haradinaj and Limaj, Kurti’s close protection (Klan Kosova)  

Klan Kosova has published parts of the interview with Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, which will be aired tonight at 21:00 hours. Speaking about the former leader of Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, Thaci said that it is well known that he has always had an anti-Kosovar and anti-international agenda. According to Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj are acting as “Albin Kurit’s close protection.”

Opposition determined: We will not allow holding of the session (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s opposition parties stated that they do not intend to allow holding of the today’s Assembly session, called by the Assembly President Kadri Veseli, at 16:00 hours.

“It would not make sense to allow the works of the Assembly and normal functioning of the government, if the country is going towards ethnical division,” said Frasher Krasniqi, spokesperson of the Vetevendosje movement.

Veseli: Political use of religion, a danger for heritage (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, stressed that the greatest danger for the cultural heritage is political use of religion.

“This is Serbia’s alternative,” wrote Veseli on his Facebook account, on the day when UNESCO’s Executive Council is expected to decide on the recommendation to accept Kosovo as a member of this organization.

Mustafa: I don’t accept ultimatums, I am ready to debate in the Assembly (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, on behalf of the Kosovo government, expressed regret over the recent incidents in the Kosovo Assembly saying that the violent actions by the opposition are not good for the people of Kosovo. He called on law enforcement authorities to do their job in relation to the incidents and said that the work of the Assembly must be unblocked. “Such actions are damaging Kosovo’s image,” Mustafa told a government meeting in Pristina today. “We are ready to answer to the Assembly on any matter. We are also ready for a debate in the Assembly on the recent agreements.

Sweden pledges €70 million for reforms in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo stands to benefit 70 million euros from Sweden as way of supporting implementation of reforms relating to Kosovo’s EU integration. Kosovo’s Minister of European Integration, Bekim Collaku, said he signed the agreement with Swedish counterparts. He said the aid is intended to focus on reforms linked to the development of functional market economy, strengthening of democracy, greater respect for human rights and rule of law, environment protection and climate changes. Collaku said Sweden’s support will have a concrete impact on Kosovo’s EU integration process.

Konjufca: We’ll use all means to stop Assembly session (Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief Glauk Konjufca told Klan Kosova that several days ago some police officers, who are against the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, helped the opposition get the teargas inside the Assembly premises. Konjufca also said that all the actions of the opposition should be seen as opposition to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s signatures in favor of the Association and the border demarcation agreement. “We will use all means to stop the Assembly session.

Jahjaga: Violence is unacceptable, dialogue is needed in institutions (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, said today that every violent act is unacceptable regardless of the persons or their affiliations with political parties. Jahjaga, during a visit to Pristina Hospital, called on all political parties to resort to dialogue in the institutions and not actions in the streets.

Collaku and O’Conelli: Violence cannot replace democratic institutions (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, hosted today the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Ruairi O’Conell. They discussed the latest political developments and Kosovo’s European agenda.

Collaku and the British diplomat agreed that the only way to ensure Kosovo’s success in the internal plan and the international arena, is reached through the functioning of the legitimate democratic institutions elected by Kosovo citizens.