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Zarif appointed UN Special Representative for Liberia (Klan Kosova)

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Farid Zarif, of Afghanistan, as his Special Representative for Liberia and head of the United Nations Mission there, known as UNMIL, Klan Kosova reports. Currently the Special Representative and head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Mr. Zarif has extensive experience in diplomatic, international and United Nations affairs, having served in various positions inside and outside Afghanistan.

Publication as smear campaign (Klan Kosova/Gazeta Blic)

Klan Kosova’s executive director Baton Haxhiu writes in an op-ed that there is not list of possible indictees of the special court. “There are only witnesses and over 200 interviews and allegations of possible crimes”, he writes. All else is speculation and part of smear campaign against certain individuals, adds Haxhiu. He claims that the list that has been making rounds in the media circles has managed to trick many media outlets into reproducing it, including his television network, and this has seriously violated professional ethics.

EULEX threatens to sue Maria Bamieh (Klan Kosova)

Former EULEX prosecutor and whistleblower Maria Bamieh has been threatened with a lawsuit by EULEX lawyers if she disclosed any information regarding her own lawsuit against her former employer. EULEX has addressed the employment tribunal in London asking for full confidentiality in the process. This would prevent the media from reporting on aspects of the case despite the huge publicity it has attracted worldwide.

Kosovo and ISIS (Klan Kosova)

Last night’s debate on Klan Kosova, moderated by director Baton Haxhiu, focused on reasons behind the fighting of some Kosovars alongside ISIS in Syria, the recent threats that made ISIS members against Kosovo and possible options of preventing ISIS activities in Kosovo. Skender Perteshi, from the Kosovo Centre for Security Studies, said the Islamic State is a threat to the whole world and that its growth is a result of the failure to combat dangerous ideologies.

Tahiri: Mitrovica barricade to be removed by October (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s minister without portfolio and head of Pristina negotiating team, Edita Tahiri, announced that the barricade on the River Iber bridge will be removed by 1 October and the first stage of pedestrian movement will begin at that time. According to Tahiri, the other part of the agreement to enable car traffic through the bridge will be implemented at a later stage. She said this was the proposal of the EU and added that the Kosovo side has agreed to it.

Three good news and one bad news for Kosovo from Brussels (Klan Kosova)

The news agency reports that from today’s meeting in Brussels, Kosovo could get its own telephone code, a good agreement on the Gazivoda Lake and the removal of the Peace Park on Ibar Bridge that would enable the free movement of people and goods. Belgrade and Serbs, meanwhile, hope they will get something for the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and also cheaper rates for telephone conversations between Serbs in Kosovo and those in Serbia proper.

The UN considering establishment of special court (Klan Kosova)

The members of the Kosovo Assembly have reportedly seen a draft on the special court prepared by Russia which the member states of the United Nations Security Council will vote on if Kosovo’s authorities fail to establish the special court. According to the news site, the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly has discussed the draft and the financial cost of the UN establishing the special court. A source that has reportedly seen the draft told Klan Kosova that the term genocide is mentioned in several chapters of the document.

€ 3 million allocated for return projects in northern Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

The Ministry for Communities and Returns has allocated €3 million for return projects in the four municipalities in northern Kosovo. Communities and Returns Minister Dalibor Jevtic said that his ministry has allocated half of its budget for projects in the north and he hopes that implementation of these projects would be done in line with the set deadlines, so that the funds don’t end up as a budget surplus. Jevtic said that only 700 Serb IDPs would return to Kosovo during 2015.

The protest at the Assembly starts (Klan Kosova)

Around 200 people have gathered in front of the Assembly of Kosovo in Pristina, protesting against the establishment of the special court.

Some members of the Vetevendosje movement have joined them. Among them is the son of the Skenderaj/Srbica municipality, Sami Lushtaku.

The protesters hold the pictures of the former KLA commander Sylejman Selimi with inscription “With you commander,” reports Klan Kosova.

The war veterans’ organizations are objecting establishment of the special court.