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Current government unable to implement SAA (Kosova Sot)

The front page of this daily notes that no one can question the importance of the Stabilization Association Agreement, despite the legal and political specifications due to the EU’s neutrality toward Kosovo’s status. However, except for the opportunities, SAA involves a range of duties and priorities that should be in the agenda of the governing officials of Kosovo.

Government sends SAA to the Assembly (Kosovapress)

The government of Kosovo discussed in its meeting today the draft law for ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union. The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that they are submitting the SAA draft law to the Assembly in order to be proceeded as soon as possible and for Kosovo to move faster in the integrating processes.

Collaku: I just signed the SAA, congratulations citizens of Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, informed on his Facebook account that he has just signed the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the European Union.

“I am happy and proud to have been part of this historical moment of formal determination of the Republic of Kosovo towards the EU integration and membership. I told this to the High Representative, Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn as well.”

Serwer: Opposition risking to face harsh state measures (Gazeta Express)

Daniel Serwer, former U.S. diplomat and expert for Balkan issues, analyzed in an interview for Gazeta Express, the recent developments in Kosovo and the blockade of the Parliament by opposition parties. He stressed that with its behavior, opposition is risking to face harsh state measures and lose support in polls. Serwer said that without winning the elections, the opposition cannot make decisions for Kosovo. He however adds that if opposition had the power, they would not request breach of Brussels agreements.

Opposition to the President: No round table without annulling the agreements (Kosovapress)

Leaders of the opposition parties ended their meeting with the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, where they reiterated their positions that they would not set back or sit around the same table with the government, if the latter does not  withdraw signatures from the agreements for the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

AAK mobilizes for anti-government protests (Indeksonline)

In an urgent meeting called today, the steering council of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) unanimously decided to mobilize its membership and supporters for an anti-government protest. AAK said political agreements signed by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa turn Kosovo into a dysfunctional country and it is therefore necessary to prevent their implementation. The party’s steering council authorized AAK leadership to coordinate future actions with other opposition parties, including the civil society.


Mustafa: I don’t accept ultimatums, I am ready to debate in the Assembly (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, on behalf of the Kosovo government, expressed regret over the recent incidents in the Kosovo Assembly saying that the violent actions by the opposition are not good for the people of Kosovo. He called on law enforcement authorities to do their job in relation to the incidents and said that the work of the Assembly must be unblocked. “Such actions are damaging Kosovo’s image,” Mustafa told a government meeting in Pristina today. “We are ready to answer to the Assembly on any matter. We are also ready for a debate in the Assembly on the recent agreements.

Government condemns attack on Deputy Foreign Minister Selimi (Telegrafi)

The Kosovo Government issued a press release condemning today’s attack by Vetevendosje activists against Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi. The government said the violent act, “which is in the series of recent violent actions by the Vetevendosje Movement and supported by other opposition parties, is directed against the legitimate institutions and the will of the people of the Republic of Kosovo”. “This attack, which was carried out at a time when Mr.

AAK speaks about blocking Assembly Commissions, NISMA about boycott (Gazeta Express)

Except for blocking of the work of the Assembly of Kosovo, opposition parties claim that they will also obstruct work of the Parliamentary Commissions.  The five Assembly Commissions planned to adjourn today at 10:00 hours to endorse the draft laws proposed by the government, will be boycotted by the three position parties, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje Movement.

Collaku and O’Conelli: Violence cannot replace democratic institutions (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, hosted today the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Ruairi O’Conell. They discussed the latest political developments and Kosovo’s European agenda.

Collaku and the British diplomat agreed that the only way to ensure Kosovo’s success in the internal plan and the international arena, is reached through the functioning of the legitimate democratic institutions elected by Kosovo citizens.