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Satisfaction with Kosovo institutions remains low (Koha)

The results of the latest survey of UNDP’s Public Pulse show that as of September 2015, there has been a general increase in the satisfaction of Kosovars with the performance of Kosovo key institutions. However, despite the increase, the average percentage of Kosovars who are satisfied with these institutions remains low, currently at only 23%, reports the news site.

Women seek alliance with the media to improve gender equality (Koha)

The Committee for Gender Equality (CGE), on Monday called on the media to be an ally of powerful women, not only in politics and decision-making, but also in business and other domains. Gjylshene Berisha, head of the CGE, said the role of media in a democratic society is irreplaceable as the media can help in the promotion of successful women. “Unfortunately, men still dominate, not only in politics, but in the media as well.  Research has shown that the media run by women, have given more space to women. Those run by men, were more limited,” she said.

Kosovo Statistics Agency: Unemployment rate at 32.9 % in Kosovo (GazetaExpress)

The latest report published by the Kosovo Statistics Agency says that Kosovo's unemployment rate is at 32.9%. According to this report, two thirds of the population in Kosovo are of working age, 15-64 years old. “Unemployment is more pronounced in women with 36.6% of women unemployed when compared to men with 31.8%,” the report notes. “Women are employed mainly in the sectors of education and health, while men are mainly employed in manufacturing, trade and construction industries.” The survey was conducted in 4,800 households.

Pilot-project measuring rule of law in municipalities presented in Pristina (Koha)

A pilot-project measuring the rule of law in public administration in Kosovo municipalities, sponsored by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Kosovo (UNDP) in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and NGO FOL, was presented on Tuesday in Pristina.

Kosovo Serbs protest against Serb candidate for RTK2 director (Koha)

Several Kosovo Serbs protested today in front of the Radio Kosova against the selection of the director for RTK2.  Darko Dimitrijević, one of the candidates for director of RTK2 said the selection of the candidate was done in an unprofessional manner. According to him, the whole process was not transparent since the list of all the candidates competing for this post was not made public. With banners "RTK 2 belongs to citizens, not the board" and "Respect the law," the protesters said they will not allow such violations to go forward.

Mustafa: Government will never stop efforts to shed light on the fate of missing persons (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met on Friday with representatives of the families of missing persons. During the meeting, Mustafa expressed the full commitment of the government to shed light on the fate of missing persons and support for families. Mustafa spoke about the efforts of the government and talks with international representatives at all levels, to put pressure on Serbia to resolve the fate of missing persons during the 1999 conflict in Kosovo.

UNFPA and Ministry of Health discuss human rights in the field of reproductive health (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Health, Imet Rrahmani, met today with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) officials in Kosovo, and Ombudsman, Hilmi Jashari. During the meeting it was discussed about the cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Health and Human Rights organizations, in particular about the human rights in the field of reproductive health. The institution of the Ombudsman, supported by  the UNFPA and the Ministry of Health, is expected to conduct a research about the level of observation of these rights in Kosovo.

RTK director to suspend editor who insulted LGBTI community (GazetaExpress)

The director general of the Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), Mentor Shala, has distanced himself from the offensive language that RTK 3 editor, Arsim Halili, used towards the LGBTI community in Kosovo. “The insults made by Arsim Halimi towards LGBTI people are his personal views and in no way constitute the attitude of RTK. RTK respects the rights of each community equally, regardless of their sexual orientation,” Shala wrote on his Facebook account.

March against homophobia held in Pristina (Kosovapress)

On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biophobia, the Center for Equality and Liberty, Center for Social Group Development and Center for Social Emancipation today organized a march in Pristina for the protection of rights of the LGBT community in Kosovo. The European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, Kosovo's President, Hashim Thaçi and the American Ambassador, Greg Delawie also participated in the march.

Jahjaga: The power of women in Kosovo should be accepted (Kosovapress)

The former President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, today while speaking at the Global Summit of Women in Parliaments held in Jordan, said that peace cannot be achieved and sustained if women are not part of the decision-making processes. Jahjaga invited the participants in the summit to learn from the courage of the women of Kosovo and their commitment to society, to assess their sacrifices and to recognize the power they have as agents of peace, development and progress.