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UNDP and EU Office launch cultural protection project in Kosovo (media)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo and the EU Office in Kosovo on Wednesday have launched a project dedicated to cultural protection in five municipalities in Kosovo. The European Union has allocated over 1.5 million euros for this project. Alessandra Rocasalvo, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative acknowledged generosity of the EU and said, "This project is a joint effort of EU, Eulex, religious leaders and municipalities to preserve Kosovo heritage."

Kosovo marks European Immunization Week (Kosovapress)

Kosovo today marks European Immunization Week, organized by the Ministry of Health, UNICEF Kosovo and World Health Organization (WHO). The Ministry of Health, through a press release, stated that the European Immunization Week in Kosovo aims, through organized activities, to raise awareness about immunization and improve the health status of children in Kosovo.

Kosovapress journalist prevented from doing his job and escorted to police station (Kosovapress)

Eduard Haliti, intern-journalist at KosovaPress news agency, was prevented today from doing his job by two police officers in Podujeva. “Journalist Haliti, while reporting on the protest of bus companies in Podujeva against the illegal taxis, was requested by two police officers to erase the recordings which clearly showed a police officer trying to arrest a citizen, who may have been a driver of illegal taxis in this region. KosovaPress journalist did not allow police officers to delete footage recorded and presented his credentials as journalist.

OSCE helps municipalities for community advancement (Indeksonline)

The Municipalities of Pristina, Gracanica, Shtime/Stimlje, Lipjan/Lipljan, Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje and Obilic, with the assistance of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, signed a declaration today which aims to promote dialogue and cooperation between communities. The head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, said that such activities promote diversity in municipalities. He said that communities should have the full support of the relevant municipalities.

KWN: Krasniqi’s statement, absurd and offensive (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Women Network (KWN) today reacted against a statement made by former Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi yesterday who while speaking about failures of Kosovo delegation in talks with Serbia, called the delegation as "women’s delegation." “KWN considers this statement absurd and very offensive to all women and girls in Kosovo, especially for women in politics and decision-making, since such statements only reinforce the existing social, political and gender discrimination in Kosovo.

Jahjaga: Domestic violence is challenging democracy (Bota Sot)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga said yesterday that domestic violence in Kosovo still remains a frequently occurring issue. “Also, in the reports issued by international organisations on progress in Kosovo, domestic violence is still classified as a deficiency which continues to challenge democracy and human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the country and by the laws in force. Despite the many challenges and priorities, institutions of the Republic of Kosovo have shown exceptional attention to this phenomenon.

Information center on women’s health opened in Strpce (RTK)

An information center for women’s health is being opened in the Municipality of Strpce. This center, according to a press release issued by NGO Action for Mothers and Children, will bring women from different ethnicity together to share their experiences of being a mother. The center also will offer group and individual advice to women on nutrition during pregnancy, stages of pregnancy, physical and psychological preparation for childbirth, newborn care and breastfeeding.

Nobody has been convicted for sexual violence during war time (Kosovapress)

The National Council for the Survivors of Sexual Violence during the war today held its closing meeting and presented the work of the Council on victims of sexual violence during the war. At the meeting chaired by President Atifete Jahjaga it was discussed, among other things, the application of the legal rights of these victims and their access to justice. Jahjaga said that Kosovo institutions have demonstrated commitment to fight the stigmatization of these victims.

Schools closed due to heavy rain in Peja/Pec (

The heavy rain which started last night and continues today has caused flooding across many neighborhoods in Peja/Pec. Media report that most streets are blocked and it is impossible for vehicles to pass through those areas due to floods, while all the schools in the city were closed for today. The Mayor of Peja/Pec, Gazmend Muhaxhiri, said they are trying to get the situation under control. "We have informed Kosovo Police and Kosovo Security Force. Intervention teams are in the field trying to prevent major floods.