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Serbs will not form ZSO, we'll wait for Pristina – Vucic (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

"Serbia will wait three and a half months, as it has been said, for the statute of the ZSO (to be drafted) - but this will not happen," Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said.

The President Vucic told the RTS on Wednesday that he will talk with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Federica Mogherini on Thursday, and that he expects "words of encouragement" from her.

He added that the main topic of their conversation will be the relationship between Belgrade and Pristina.

Brnabic: Kosovo cannot stop Serbia’s road to EU (Novi Magazin, N1)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic said in an interview to Novi Magazin that Kosovo issue cannot stop Serbia’s road to the EU, as according to her European integration is one story, and resolving relations with Pristina is something else.

“European Commission, respectively EU, do not recognize Kosovo independence, they are status neutral and have to be so, since five important EU member states do not and will not recognize self-declared Kosovo independence,” Brnabic said.

Carl Bildt: To overcome crisis and intensify Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTS)

European Committee for Foreign Relations Co-chairman, Carl Bildt said it is necessary to urgently overcome the current crisis between Belgrade and Pristina and intensify dialogue between the two sides, Serbian national broadcaster RTS reported.

Bildt arrived to Belgrade yesterday where he met Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.

“EU and others have to strengthen their efforts and push the region forward. There is always a risk of returning to the old habits,” Bildt wrote on his Twitter profile, RTS reported.

Vucic to unveil Kosovo proposal "in early April at latest" (B92, TV Happy)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he had "a frank conversation" with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Vucic told a talk show on Happy TV late on Monday that he and Gabriel have different opinions - but that their recent conversation in Belgrade was frank, and that he at one point told the German official, "And what can I tell the Serbs now, Sigmar."

UNMIK Head: If Pristina revokes Special Court it would be a great damage (Serbian media)

UNMIK Head, Zahir Tanin assessed yesterday as concerning attempts from the part of Kosovo authorities to revoke Special Court for KLA war crimes, murder of Oliver Ivanovic and the fact that the Brussels agreement is not fully implemented, in particular when it comes to the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities, Serbian media report today.

Addressing Security Council members Tanin said that establishment of the Special Court represented a major step for Kosovo.

Jeremic: Vucic plans to trade Kosovo for audience with Merkel (BETA, B92)

People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic says President Aleksandar Vucic is not capable of reaching a favorable compromise deal on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

According to the former foreign minister, Vucic is "preparing to allow Pristina to get a chair in the UN, at the request of foreigners, and in return get only a one-day visit to German Chancellor Angela Merkel."

Bishop of Backa Irinej: People cannot break Kosovo’s oath (Novosti, KIM Radio)

“The outcome of the so-called internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija would be as its current flow – multiplied voices, and the state leadership must seriously take into account the stance of the majority of Serbs, Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop of Backa Irinej said, emphasising he does not believe the Serbian people would let down its identity formed in Kosovo, KIM Radio reported.

Kremlin without comment on “mediation in negotiations on Kosovo” (BETA, B92)

The Kremlin did not want to comment on allegations on the possible role of Russia in negotiations on Kosovo, BETA news agency reported today.

“The topic of Kosovo was thoroughly processed during the Russian-Serbian talks,” Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said, asked to comment on a possibility of expanding the format of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, the Russian agency Tass reported.

Mogherini with prime ministers: Vucic and Thaci dialogue important (Danas)

EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini hosted last evening dinner for the prime ministers from the Western Balkan in Brussels to discuss the situation in the region and continuation of European integration in 2018, Danas daily reported.

Referring to the statement from Brussels, Danas reported that all prime ministers expressed full commitment and readiness to continue the road to the EU.

Joksimovic: USA present, no changes in format of dialogue (RTK2)

Centre of Foreign Policy Director, Aleksandra Joksimovic said to RTK 2 that the format of the Brussels dialogue would not change, but the USA will be more active in the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Joksimovic also said she does not believe legally binding document would request from Serbia to recognize Kosovo, but would seek that both Belgrade and Pristina unimpeded move towards the European integration.