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CEC: Over 20,000 commissioners to monitor local elections (Telegrafi)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) will employ over 20,000 commissioners to monitor local elections throughout Kosovo, said head of CEC Valdete Daka. She added that over 1.9 million people are eligible to vote this Sunday and that the entire voting process will cost the Kosovo budget anywhere between 4.5 and 5 million euros.

Poll: People of Kosovo believe local elections will bring positive change (RTK)

The Kosovo-based GAP Institute presented today the results of a poll carried out in all 38 municipalities in Kosovo on the expectations of the people regarding local elections set to take place on 22 October. The findings indicate that over 70 percent of people interviewed believe that local elections will bring about a positive change in their respective municipalities while only 7 percent are completely convinced no change will occur.

Delawie and Todosijevic on elections, ZSO and minorities (KIM Radio)

USA Ambassador in Pristina, Greg Delawie and Minister of Administration and Local Self- Governance, Ivan Todosijevic spoke yesterday about the situation of non-majority communities in Kosovo and implementation of the Brussels agreement, KIM Radio reported.

The two officials also spoke about the forthcoming Kosovo local elections. Todosijevic highlighted the importance of establishing the Association of the Serb Municipalities, and implantation of agreements that are not yet fully implemented.

Vesti: Serbian knockout in the Kosovo ring – lower the atmosphere to the level of decency

Doctor Dragiša Milović says for Vesti portal that he is trying to reduce tension because it is about local elections. He says that he will not deal with the status, or the army of Kosovo, so that someone can accuse them of betraying national interests.

Ivanovic: Local elections – local topics (Kontakt plus radio)

Leader of the Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Oliver Ivanovic in an interview to Kontakt plus radio spoke about forthcoming local elections in Kosovo, pre-election campaign, but also about internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, called by the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Srpska Lista continues campaign in Gracanica (RTS)

Srpska Lista, continued its campaign for local elections in Kosovo, and presented its mayoral candidate for Gracanica municipality, Srdjan Popovic, RTS reported.

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric attended the gathering in Gracanica to offer the support to Srpska Lista on behalf of the Serbian Government, RTS reported.

Tensions ahead of local elections in Kosovo (Vesti)

Low blows, insults, repression, blackmail, division on "traitors" and "patriots" are the moves that the Serb parties withdraw in the fight for supremacy. Many citizens say they are in fear, they feel pressures and blackmail, and they point finger to the Serbian List, which is the absolute winner of the past Kosovo local elections, which controls payroll lists of public companies and institutions.

“Government of Serbia should not take anyone’s side” (Danas, RTK 2)

Civic Initiative Central Kosovo called upon the representatives of the Serbian Government to “stop taking anyone’s side” in order to provide citizens in the forthcoming Kosovo elections to “make their own assessments” respectively “to punish or reward results achieved on the ground,” Serbian media reported.

The CI Central Kosovo further said the results on the ground are catastrophic – social injustice, double and triple salaries, irresponsibility, lack of work and conformism,” RTK 2 reported.