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New sports field brings communities together (Zeri)

The “Martin Camaj” primary school in Llukafc i Thate has been given a sports field that will be used by children for different sport activities. Construction of the sports field was supported by UNMIK and implemented in cooperation with the non-governmental organization “Vision 02” from Istog. The municipal director of education, Agim Haxhiaj, in a ceremony at the school, said that this is a project with immense importance for all communities as this area is known for harmonious co-existence between communities.


Thaci and Pacolli together again (Zeri)

Outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci met on Wednesday with Behxhet Pacolli, leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), in a restaurant in Pristina. Pacolli was accompanied by his deputy, Mimoza Kusari-Lila. Thaci told reporters after the meeting that “this was a meeting between friends”, while Pacolli called it an ordinary meeting but left open the possibility of a coalition with Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) if the AKR manages to pass the election threshold.

One barricade replaces another in Mitrovica (dailies)

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that the barricade on the main bridge over the Iber/Ibar River was removed only temporarily. Serbs replaced it with another barricade which they called the Peace Park. Throughout this action, Kosovo Police elite units only served as spectators. Municipal and central authorities all rushed to claim credit for the removal of the barricade, but when another one was built, all remained silent.

Krasniqi to Thaci: No one wants to govern with you (Botapress)

The Chairman of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Jakup Krasniqi, has responded to Hashim Thaci’s interview, in which he said he would be the next Prime Minister of Kosovo. Krasniqi, through a telephone conversation with Zeri, said that Thaci does not have necessary numbers to form a government, and that no one wants to govern with him.

Hasani: Constitutional Court does not control political agreements (Zeri)

In an interview for KTV’s show Rubikon, the President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, Enver Hasani, said the Court has become a victim of the present political situation and added that the Court has no mandate to control political agreements. “This is a process that happens in all democratic countries. With regards to the position of the Constitutional Court, so much has been said that it feels as if we are a party in this situation”, said Hasani.

UK calls for political maturity (Zeri)

After certification of results, the United Kingdom expects a regular legal process, in line with the constitution, and requests that political parties work together for the benefit of Kosovo, as they pledged during their campaigns. This was stated to the paper by the Embassy of the UK. Regarding negotiations on forming political coalitions, the Embassy notes, “They are a standard part of the democratic process.”


14 years in search of the killer! (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra recalls an event in March of 2000 when a 25 year-old student from Pristina was killed three days after quitting his job at UNHCR. For a decade and a half his family has not ceased seeking justice for the killing of its loved one but to date the case is still unsolved.

“This is a case which shows what degraded justice system has been installed through local-international participation. The state of Kosovo owes it to this family and thousands of others to solve post-war killings”, writes Xharra.

Enver Hasani violates the law (Zeri)

The paper argues that, by publicly declaring that the LDK-AAK-Nisma coalition is illegitimate, Enver Hasani, chairman of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, has violated the Court’s regulations, since he commented on an issue before it was addressed to the Court, and because he is not entitled to comment on a matter without the presence of the panel of judges. The paper quotes Gjyljeta Mushkolaj, a former judge of the Constitutional Court, as saying that judges should not comment on issues that can be addressed to the Constitutional Court.

Will LDK-AAK-Initiative agreement survive?

Naser Sertolli says the agreement of the three parties with fewer votes to create a coalition, made it clear to the outgoing Prime Minister Thaçi that democracy has more than one possibility. However, he adds, Thaçi’s hopes are not completely lost. “My proposal in Facebook that the leaders of LDK, AAK and Initiative should lock themselves in some elevator, where their telephones do not work, was not just a joke,” he says. He adds that it would be enough if “some international friend” manages to convince only one of these leaders to give up the coalition.

Mustafa: No turning back, we are a bloc against Thaci (Zeri, Lajm)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said in an interview for the paper that even if it is decided that opposition parties cannot form a government and new elections are scheduled, the main opposition parties – the LDK, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo and Vetevendosje – will run together as a bloc against Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).