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US Embassy: "We support the transition of KSF, no country can put a veto on this transition" (RTK2, Kossev, Kontakt plus radio)

Asked about RTK2, what is the position of the US administration regarding the adoption of the amendment by the Kosovo Internal Affairs Commission on the Draft Law on the Transformation of Kosovo Security Forces into the Army, the US Embassy in Pristina announced:

The main trial in the criminal proceedings against Milorad Zajic began (Kontakt plus radio)

The main trial in the criminal proceedings against Milorad Zajic, a returnee from Klina, started yesterday before the presiding judge of the criminal court of the Basic Court in Pec, Kreshnik Radoniqi, confirmed lawyer of the accused, Dejan A. Vasic for the radio.

Vasic noted that this case had already been investigated by EULEX prosecutors, and that the investigation was ended due to lack of evidence.

European Language Day: Learn foreign languages, it will help (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, a conference was held in Pristina on the importance of learning foreign languages.

"If we do not speak Albanian, we will not be able to integrate fully. The same goes for the Albanians," said Slavisa Mladenovic, a language commissioner.

The Office of the Language Commissioner, in cooperation with the French Alliance and the French Embassy in Kosovo, organized a debate on the importance of learning foreign languages.

US Ambassador to BiH: Support to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, there are no parallels (Kontakt plus radio, RFE)

The US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina told Radio Free Europe that the US supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and that there are no parallels between Kosovo, Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS).

"What we support when it comes to Kosovo is definitely a dialogue that is being conducted, which we believe should be conducted until a solution is reached that will be the result of a joint agreement between both sides. We certainly welcome the role of the EU in those talks," US Ambassador to BiH Maureen Cormack told RFE.

"Father Sava would never betray Serbs or Kosovo" (Serbian media)

A negative campaign against the high-ranking Decani Abbot, father Sava Janjic continues with the accusations of Sima Spasic from the Association of Families of the Abducted and Missing, reports portal Vesti.

Representatives of other associations do not support Spasic's actions, stating that he should not be involved in politics but in clarifying the fate of the missing.

American Serbian Orthodox Church: Territorial division would cause mass exodus and internal expulsion of the population (Kontakt plus radio)

On August 31, Serbian parishes and organizations in the United States opposed the idea of "delineation" or "border correction" by a joint letter addressed to the US Senate, Congress and individuals in the administration.

The letter of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States, which through the three dioceses makes about 184 churches and monasteries, Kontakt plus radio transmits in full:

''Dear Senators, Representatives of the Congress and officials in the Administration:

Pacolli: The solution is a common economic zone (Tanjug, Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli said that he was against the idea of a correction of the Kosovo border and estimated that the solution was to establish a common economic zone, reports Serbian media.

Pacoli in Vienna, in his statement to Belgrade based news agency Tanjug, where he had a speech in the EU representation, said that there should not be divisions on the grounds of ethnicity, language, religion and anything else, but that we must live together and be committed to the economy.

IDPs cancelled their visit to Djakovica (RTK2, Kontakt plus radio, Vesti, Kossev)

Earlier announced visit of internally displaced persons from Djakovica to the Monastery of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God, on the eve of the monastery celebration on August 28, was cancelled due to security reasons, the president of Djakovica citizens Association, Djokica Stanojevic confirmed to RTK2.

Stanojevic stresses that the arrival of around 2,000 displaced persons from Djakovica to their hometown was prevented by an atmosphere of hatred, which, as he said, have prevailed in the past days.

Bishop Teodosije criticizes President Vucic from Banjska monastery (Kossev, Kontakt plus radio)

-Gratitude to our President for remembering our sanctities, and not only here but also in other places, but I want to say, right here, that I shall not thank him for the words he has been saying to Kosovo Serbs these days. These are not the words of hope, these are not the words of Christianity, they are unworthy of the one who is at the helm of this nation – the Bishop Teodosije said on Wednesday at Banjska monastery in the north of Kosovo.

Simic: Kosovo Serbs OK with division if they get more rights (RTS, N1, KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbs in Kosovo agree with the idea of a division of Kosovo only if the arrangement would guarantee them more freedom and more rights than they had so far, said the Vice-President of Kosovo’s Serb List, Igor Simic.

He added that the Serb List, a political group of Serbs in Kosovo, trusts Belgrade’s negotiation team unequivocally.

Simic told Serbia’s public broadcaster, RTS, that Serbs in Kosovo live in suspense for decades already.