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KFOR: We knew something yesterday; Serbian media: Mitrovica North citizens disturbed (Tanjug, B92, TV Prva, Kontakt plus radio)

Vincenzo Grasso, KFOR spokesman, told TV Prva that KFOR was informed that four people were arrested in Kosovo, but that there is no accurate information about where they are.

"The Kosovo police arrested several people in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. We were informed that four people were arrested and I'm not sure where they are right now, but I'm sure that they are in the police and would be brought to the justice," Grasso told TV Prva.

Ten months since the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic (TV Most, Kontakt plus radio)

TV Most reports that the leader of the CI SDP Oliver Ivanovic was killed 10 months ago, adding that there is no progress in the investigation and no statements on the course of the investigation.

Ksenija Bozovic, from the CI SDP says that there is no single new detail even ten months after the murder.

Bozovic told Kontakt plus radio that except for public political bickering and speculations, the institutions were doing nothing. She says that they do not give any information to Oliver's associates, not even to members of the family.

UN SC to debate the two latest report on Kosovo after a six-month break (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Tanjug, N1)

On November 14, the UN Security Council session will be held in New York, where UN Secretary-General Antony Guterres's report on the work of UNMIK will be discussed, reported Serbian media.

The session on the situation in Kosovo, the first after six months, was scheduled at the initiative of China, which took over the Security Council on November 1.

The issue of the villages of Preoce and Ugljare (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Gracanica Radio)

Kontakt plus radio today has dealt with the issue of the residents of Preoce and Ugljare villages. The radio writes on its website that the citizens do not know anything about the possibility of becoming residents of Kosovo Polje. Recall the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje adopted a decision on "arranging cadastral zones".

Kontakt plus radio reports that it is still unknown which parts of these two villages will belong to the Kosovo Polje municipality.

148 hectares of land returned to Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio)

The Municipality of Gracanica managed to recover more than 148 hectares of socially owned land with a total of 19 buildings from the Privatization Agency and through the competent Ministry and the Government of Kosovo, Kontakt plus radio reported.

The Mayor of Gracanica Srdjan Popovic said that this was a great success of the entire municipal leadership that managed to solve ''a decennial problem'' and to place 148 hectares of social land in its property.

Sheholli: The idea on borders' correction still actual; 95 percent would sell property in Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The Director of the Institute for the promotion of inter-ethnic relations Fatmir Sheholli says that the initiative of correcting the borders as a solution to the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina and the normalization of relations is still ongoing, despite the opposition of some Kosovo parties and politicians.

Source: Impossible to end UNMIK without Russia and China (Beta, N1, Politika, Kontakt plus radio)

UN Secretary General can suggest changes to the composition of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) including the end of the mission, but the decision must be made by the UN Security Council where the five permanent members, including Russia and China, have veto power, Beta news agency learned.

Civic Initiative SDP: The encouraging messages of Patriarch Irinej (Kontakt plus radio)

The CI SDP says in a statement that the arrival of Serbian Patriarchs and Serbian Orthodox Church leaders to Kosovo is of great importance for further survival of Serbs in this region, however they point out that citizens have not been informed about the arrival.

SDP reminds that the Serbian people in the most difficult moments had the greatest trust in the Church.

GI SDP: Still unknown who killed Oliver Ivanovic after nine months (Kontakt plus radio, NMagazin)

Citizens' initiative SDP warned today that even nine months after the assassination of party leader Oliver Ivanovic, there is no information about the course of the investigation, or whether there is any relevant information on who ordered, organized and committed the crime, reported Serbian media.

CI SDP says in a statement that "from Belgrade and Pristina are still arriving only contradictory statements, while the international community is silent."

Commission for Human Rights discussed the Anti-Discrimination Law (Kontakt plus radio)

Members of the Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and petitions discussed the Anti-Discrimination Law. Given the lack of harmonization of this law with other normative acts, the issue of adopting a new or amending the existing law was raised, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Ombudsman Hilmi Jashari believes that the Law on Protection against Discrimination, adopted in 2015, is not in accordance with other laws, especially with the Gender Equality Act and the Law on the Protector of Citizens.