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Krasniqi: Opposition MPs will not respond to informative talks (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje Movement spokesperson, Frasher Krasniqi, said today that the opposition MPs will not respond to the prosecution’s invitations and that they consider these invitations as informative talks. Krasniqi said that the chief prosecutor should protect the state and not the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and border demarcation with Montenegro. He said he believes that prosecutors should be combating crime and corruption rather than dealing with the opposition MPs.

Serwer: Serbia towards diplomatic recognition of Kosovo (Indeksonline)

US Balkans expert Daniel Serwer said in an interview for the Skopje-based news agency INA that dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalization of relations has been successful and has produced concrete results. “This is a short step towards diplomatic recognition which I hope to see as soon as possible,” said Serwer. He added that Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo is one of the issues that would have to be resolved during the normalization of relations process including the increase of police cooperation and Kosovo’s membership in the United Nations.

Kosovo at UNESCO, Serbs protest at Iber Bridge at 12:44 (Indeksonline)

Students of the so-called University of Pristina in Mitrovica North announced that they will protest today in Mitrovica, with the motto “Kosovo not in UNESCO.”

The protest will be held at “Brothers Milic” square, in vicinity of the central bridge over the River Iber. The protest will start at 12:44 as a symbolic sign for UN Resolution 1244.

Students also appealed to the population, representatives of public and municipal institutions to join the protest.

Zbogar: Kosovo has shown good example in combating extremism (Indeksonline)

The Kosovo Center for Security Studies organized a conference today on religious extremism and problems facing Kosovo in this regard. Participants in this panel were Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs Skender Hyseni, and head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar.  During the conference, Zbogar said that religious radicalism is a problem facing the whole world and not only in Kosovo. "Kosovo has shown good example in combating extremism and terrorism, by reacting quickly in cases of specific individuals.

Selimi: We expect positive decision from UNESCO (Indeksonile)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, said today that he expects that many countries that have not recognized Kosovo to vote in favor of Kosovo's membership in UNESCO. According to him, there is no reason for the Executive Committee to keep Kosovo isolated. "Serbia is conducting a vicious campaign against Kosovo. We hope that tomorrow UNESCO's Executive Committee will respect the need for Kosovo to not remain isolated. I believe that no more than 20 countries will support Serbia. Then we will focus on the General Assembly of UNESCO which will be held on 9 November,” Selimi said.

AAK mobilizes for anti-government protests (Indeksonline)

In an urgent meeting called today, the steering council of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) unanimously decided to mobilize its membership and supporters for an anti-government protest. AAK said political agreements signed by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa turn Kosovo into a dysfunctional country and it is therefore necessary to prevent their implementation. The party’s steering council authorized AAK leadership to coordinate future actions with other opposition parties, including the civil society.


Assembly chairmanship gathers to decide on Thursday’s session (media)

The Assembly chairmanship gathered today to discuss the modalities of the Thursday’s session. The meeting was held without the presence of the heads of the parliamentary groups of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje movement and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA).

Plans to remove ‘Peace Park’ in Mitrovica postponed indefinitely (Kosovapress/Indeksonline)

Plans to remove the so-called ‘Peace Park’ barricade on the main River Iber bridge on 15 October have been postponed indefinitely, said sources from the Mitrovica North municipality. The postponement, according to the source, came as a result of the current political situation in Kosovo. “Recent events across Kosovo, including protests against the Community are the reasons why the removal of the park has been delayed,” the source added.

Abrashi: Mustafa not stepping down, ruling coalition is stable (Indeksonline)

In an interview for Klan Kosova, Kosovo Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and government spokesperson Arban Abrashi said that there are no plans for Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to step down and added that the ruling coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) is stable. “I think the opposition is going over the board, especially with nationalism speech,” said Abrashi.