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Petkovic: Haradinaj’s trucks are not aid but deception (Vecernje Novosti, TV Pink, KoSSev)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Assistant Director Petar Petkovic said the trucks with the goods Ramush Haradinaj sent to the northern Kosovo are not aid but rather a deception, Vecernje Novosti reported.

Mitrovica North residents – Tricks of Belgrade and Pristina (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)

Radio kontakt plus conducted interviews with Mitrovica North residents to hear their stances on the current situation in the northern Kosvo, where all shops, restaurants, pharmacies, petrol stations and market remain closed for the second consecutive day.

“These are tricks by both Belgrade and Pristina. And we shall see who will get the profit. What about workers, what about people, what about goods and who will pay for the goods if they get rotted. What about farmers who have their products but cannot sell them? Shame,” one of the citizens said.

Serbian PM Brnabic on situation in northern Kosovo, Pristina’s tariffs (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today Belgrade was warning over the last seven months on possible consequences of the Pristina’s tariffs imposed on goods from central Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported.

According to her closure of the shops in the north is such consequence, adding that Belgrade at any moment would be ready to help its people in Kosovo. She also noted alternative ways to supply the goods were cut off, and there were even shootings at the trucks transporting the goods and yet nobody reacted.

DSS: Pristina and irresponsible Serbian politics responsible for situation in northern Kosovo (Danas)

Opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) assessed yesterday that the current state of supply of the population and security in the north of Kosovo are the consequence of Serbian authorities’ politics since 2008 and arrogance of Pristina institutions, Danas daily reports.

DSS said Pristina has support by the US and the EU that in any way, including the violence and anti-civilization tariffs, use and misuse a wide spectrum of enforcing the statehood of self-declared Kosovo, opened by wrong Serbia’s politics over the last decade.

Petrovic: Shops in north to be closed as of Monday (B92, Tanjug)

Chair of the Association of Businessmen in northern Kosovo Rados Petrovic has confirmed that as of Monday, July 1 shops in the north of Kosovo including kiosks and bakeries will be closed, B92 reports.

He added this was decided in a meeting of businessmen due to imposed tariffs on goods from central Serbia that Pristina institutions imposed seven months ago. On Thursday Petrovic also urged the international community “to stop Pristina,” saying the tariffs brought inhabitants of the northern Kosovo on a verge of the humanitarian disaster.

Petkovic: Serbian people on verge of humanitarian disaster (RTS)

RTS reports this morning there are less and less basic commodities available in the shops in the north of Kosovo. Office for Kosovo and Metohija Deputy Director Petar Petkovic told RTS Serbia is doing its utmost to help its people, although Pristina tries to make the position of Serbia more difficult in any possible way.

RTS correspondent from Mitrovica North reported there was no delivery of goods from central Serbia dedicated for daily consumption in the north and other Serb-populated areas south of the Ibar River.

Milan Ivanovic: If situation continues it would cause problems in patients’ treatment and nutrition (Radio KIM)

The introduction of 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last seven months, as well as shortage of basic commodities in the north of Kosovo over the last couple of days affect the work of the Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, Director of the Center Milan Ivanovic said, Radio KIM reports.

Drecun: Final phase of Pristina’s tariffs plan (Danas, BETA, TV Pink)

Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairman Milovan Drecun said “the final phase of Pristina’s tariffs plan” is currently underway with the aim to provoke conflict with the Serbs and Serbian state, BETA news agency reported.

“Pristina works on it to cause conflict,” Drecun told TV Pink.

According to him, causing humanitarian disaster, respectively, leaving the Serbs without basic commodities is a tool towards the aim – to disable the dialogue and create conditions for conflict with Serbian state.

Vucic on food supply in north, Haradinaj’s statement (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian state would help Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and we expect nothing from the international community in regard to aggravated supply for our people in Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic added Serbia must rely on itself and the state would see how it can help people in Kosovo under such difficult and complex situation. He pointed out that Pristina came up with a new excuse to justify its tariffs on goods from central Serbia and thus make supply for the Serbs in the north even more difficult.

Brnabic on Kosovo: I am not big optimist (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the government would do its utmost to enable that the goods from central Serbia would reach all people in Kosovo and Metohija, Tanjug news agency reported.

She also expressed hope that the international community would start paying greater attention to it and enable free flows of goods in addition to the calls to lift the tariffs.

“I am not a big optimist, since November 21 they did not care much about the fact that media in Serbian language from central Serbia were banned in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,” Brnabic said.