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Djuric: Politicians in Pristina nervous, not everything as they have imagined (Serbian media)

The statements of politicians in Pristina show that their nervousness is heightened, which means that something does not go the way they have planned and imagined that it has already been solved, and that someone in the international community begins to look at things differently than they hoped to be, said today the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric in a statement.

The Serbian List and Djuric say a street in North Mitrovica will be named after Oliver Ivanovic (Kossev)

Kossev portal wrote on Saturday that it appears it will be done not at the request of the Ivanovic’s party SDP but on a proposal of the Serbian List: ''Oliver Ivanovic and all innocent victims of our municipality will have a street named after them in North Mitrovica following a proposal of the Serbian List parliamentary group in the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica''. The head of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric, reacted almost simultaneously with the Serbian List, confirming that Oliver Ivanovic will have a street in North Mitrovica named after him, ''as per his credits''.

Kozarev: Not true that Belgrade has not fulfilled its obligations (RTS)

Pristina's chief negotiator Avni Arifi's statement that his side never interrupted the dialogue with Belgrade and that Belgrade failed to fulfil the obligations assumed by the Brussels agreement cannot be called anything else than the untruth, says deputy director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dusan Kozarev in a statement delivered to media.

Djuric and Serbian List: The international community to react over the war rhetoric of Haradinaj (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said in a statement that the daily sensationalist statements of Pristina proved the best the status of the "southern autonomous province was not what they wanted and how they represented the citizens there," reports RTS.

Serbia marks Kosovo Victims' Day (N1)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons from Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija have together marked the Kosovo Victims' Day, commemorating the victims of the 1998 Serbian - Albanian conflict in Kosovo.

The Association asked for a monument to be erected for the victims, while the Director of the Office of Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, appealed to the international community to find and punish those responsible for the expulsion and killings of people in Kosovo.

Djuric receives "friendly and brotherly support" in Moscow (B92)

Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric met in Moscow on Wednesday with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko.

Djuric briefed Grushko on the situation in Kosovo and efforts to find a compromise in the dialogue with Pristina in a peaceful manner, saying afterwards that he received "friendly and brotherly support for Serbia's independent domestic and foreign policy, as well as regarding Kosovo and all other matters significant for our country."

Office for KiM: ZSO only in a manner agreed in Brussels (RTK2)

The Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija issued a statement regarding the decision of Pristina to unblock the process of forming the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), reports RTK2.

The Office states that Belgrade and the Serbs from Kosovo are seeking the implementation of the agreements reached and will take part in the work on forming the ZSO only in a manner agreed in Brussels.