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Ðurić: Pristina to demonstrate whether it is on the side of peace or terror (Kontakt plus radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, on the occasion of an armed attack on Serbs near Viti/Vitina, warned all the extremists in Kosovo not to play with lives and safety of the Serbs and has requested from the authorities in Pristina to finally show by actions whether they are on the side of peace or terror.

Đurić condemns the arrest of six Serb (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić strongly condemns the harassment of six Serbs who were arrested on the road Klina/Klinë-Peć/Pejë, on their return from the celebration in the village Donji Petrić.

In a written statement to the media, Đurić has requested the authorities to release the detained Serbs.

Jevtić: Soon return of the first families to Mušutište (NMagazin)

Dalibor Jevtić, Minister for Communities and Returns, announced laying of foundation stone for construction of the first houses for returnees in Mušutište for a little more than a month.

Jevtić said that the priority, after the reconstruction of the first houses, would be to renovate the monastery in Mušutište.

Jevtić urged local governments and local people to provide support and be guarantors of the survival of the Serbs, who will return.

Office for KiM condemns demolition of the memorial plaque (RTK2)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo strongly condemned the repeated demolition of a memorial plaque dedicated to the missing journalists of Radio Pristina, Ɖuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić. “The fourth time vandals have destroyed a memory on the innocent victims of the conflict. We expect that the authorities will, unlike previous times, finally do something, so that people responsible for this disgrace will be punished,” reads the statement of the Office for KiM.

Dialogue in Brussels at expert level on Thursday (Blic)

The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will be continued at expert level in Brussels on Thursday, the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.

The two-day discussions will be held at the European External Action Service headquarters, with the agenda to include all open issues from past discussions between Belgrade and Pristina.

Belgrade's delegation will be headed by Marko Djurić, the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


What hinders the formation of Community/Association of Serb municipalities (RTS)

The formation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) has not started, even nearly nine months after the agreement.  The elections and different interpretations of the Brussels agreement are the reasons for this delay. The international community, these days, intensively urges both Belgrade and Pristina to continue with the implementation, because the continuation of European integration will depend on it.

Pristina "cannot make the ZSO conditional on other agreements" (B92)

Pristina "cannot make the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) conditional."

This was announced by the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, which added: "Especially not on telecommunications, the implementation of which has been hampered by Pristina's nonconstructive approach."

Previously, Edita Tahiri, who serves in the Kosovo government, said that the ZSO will not be set up before Kosovo receives a dial code.

Statement by the Office for KIM: We will not allow abolishment of University (KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

"On the occasion of speculation and false rumours related to the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, which were unsigned and released through certain media in Pristina, the Office for KiM announces the following: