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EU: Differences cannot be solved in a single meeting (RTK)

The European Union Office in Kosovo issued a statement commending the meeting President Atifete Jahjaga held today with the representatives of the main political parties of Kosovo. The EU High Representative Samuel Zbogar said that complex political differences cannot be solved in a single meeting but it is important for the leaders to continue to operate in a European way of solving problems through dialogue and compromise. “There is no alternative to dialogue,” Zbogar said.


Haradinaj: Dissolution of parliament is the only solution (RTK)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), walked out of the meeting of political leaders called by Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and attended by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Principal Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Haradinaj told reporters that he had requested the dissolution of the Parliament and new parliamentary elections. Haradinaj also said that another request of the opposition bloc is for the President of Kosovo to be elected directly by the people.

KDI: Kosovo lacks political will to combat corruption (RTK)

The Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) organized a regional conference to discuss institutional mechanisms in the fight against corruption. Visar Sutaj, representative of KDI, said the purpose of this discussion is to find ways to combat this phenomenon. Furthermore, he said there is a lack of political will to fight corruption in Kosovo.  According to him, the Anti-Corruption Agency has not delivered any results in fighting corruption.

Deda: Thaci does not have the support of the internationals to become president (RTKlive)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje Movement, Ilir Deda, said for RTV Dukagjni that this year will be the year of early elections.

He said he does not believe that the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaci, will be elected for the president. According to him, the new elections could take place by April.

Veseli: President should call leaders for dialogue (RTKlive)

Kosovo’s President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, appealed to the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, to call the parties in order to find a solution for the political crisis. “Jahjaga will not be in a bad position after the end of her mandate, she will gain many benefits. It is necessary to find a political solution to overcome these challenges and to orient the country towards economic development.

Constitutional Court refuses to free premises for Ombudsperson Institution (RTK)

Kosovo’s Constitutional Court continues to refuse to free its current office space for the Ombudsperson Institution as per the decision of the Ministry of Local Government and Administration of 2012. The allocation of adequate premises for the Ombudsperson is one of the European Commission's conditions laid out in Kosovo's visa liberalization road map.

Serbian elections, challenge for Kosovo (RTK)

The government of Kosovo has not yet taken a stance on whether it will allow Serbian parliamentary elections to be held in the predominantly-Serb municipalities. Deputy Minister of the Local Government and Administration Bajram Gecaj told Radio Kosova that the government of Kosovo has not yet discussed Serbian elections in Kosovo. Meanwhile, political analysts say Kosovo institutions should treat the subject with caution.