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Mustafa: Decision on mandate of international judges must be withdrawn (RTK)

sa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), writes on his Facebook account today that the Constitutional Court last month made a decision “as advised by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK)” and that it has complicated the election of the President of the Kosovo Assembly. “Proof of this is statements by PDK officials who explained the decision several days before it was announced.

Beqiri: Request for new elections, Thaci's blackmail (RTKlive)

Ismet Beqiri, general secretary of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), stated today for  that coalition block considers that the request for new elections, expressed by the adviser of the outgoing Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, is blackmail. Beqiri said that the Democratic Party of Kosovo is trying to intimidate one of the three parties that have formed the after-election block. “We say that he is very much mistaken because the Block never feared new elections.

Haradinaj: If the session is not called for this week, we will collect 40 signatures (RTKlive)

Leaders of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK),  Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA)  met today to discuss the preparations for the Kosovo Assembly session, where the speaker of the Assembly is expected to be elected.

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, said after this meeting that if the Assembly session is not called for this week, then they will manage to call the session on their own, by collecting 40 signatures of the deputies.

Three brothers attacked in Mitrovica from unidentified persons (RTKlive)

The dead person and other injured persons are brothers reports Kosovapress, one 19 years old, 17 and 16 years old. Three of them Albanians with surname Ibrahimi. The youngest one just arrived in Pristina hospital. Kosovapress sources say that they went for logging of firewood and that one person with a Serb uniform has shot at their direction. No one knows in which side of the border they were in.


Constitutional Court announces full decision on 17 July assembly session (RTK)

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo today announced its full decision on the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly on 17 July, saying that the session was not completed and that the election of the Assembly President and the deputy presidents was non-constitutional.

Below is the link of the full decision:

Opposition coalition: Court’s decision paves way for us to create institutions (RTK)

The opposition coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) issued a press release today saying that the ruling of the Constitutional Court has paved the way for them to establish new institutions. “The court’s decision, points 126 and 127 in particular, provides for the right and constitutional obligation of assembly members to find a way to elect the President of the Assembly with the majority of votes.


YIHR announces action in memory of missing persons (RTK)

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Kosovo announced today that on 30 August it will set up an alarm clock in Mother Teresa Square in Pristina in memory of missing persons. YIHR issued a press release saying that they will continue implementing symbolic actions aimed at awareness raising for missing persons and calling on all relevant stakeholders to be more engaged in resolving this problem.


Thaci: Important days for German investments (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said today that he expects the Balkans Conference in Berlin to bring important German investments to Kosovo. Thaci, together with other prime ministers from the Balkans, will attend the conference hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 28 August. Thaci also wrote on his Facebook account that he met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, “to coordinate presentations for investments in Kosovo and Albania”.

Hoti: Internationals do not request coalition with PDK (rtklive)

Avdullah Hoti, member of the leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo said in an interview for Zeri that his party is in an unshakable coalition with the two parties of the block and does not even think about a greater coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Hoti is convinced that there is no reason for early elections, because, as he put it, everything is already resolved with regards to the numbers and dilemmas on who should be forming the government.
