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Krasniqi: They declare themselves as pro-Western but act like fundamentalists (RTK)

Jakup Krasniqi, chairman of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and former Assembly Speaker, writes in an opinion piece that everyone in Kosovo, without any exception, should be careful not to have any kind of cooperation with extremists that case a dark shadow on the nation and its future. Krasniqi recalls that in visits to Arab countries, he received suggestions that “you should watch out for extremist groups and countries that support such groups”.


New elections or a broad-based coalition government (RTK)

While Vetevendosje’s terms seem to be unacceptable for the opposition bloc, the Serbian List is expected to get a key role in the forming of the new government. Political analysts in Pristina believe that Kosovo will not have strong institutions if any of the political parties try to form the government while relying on the votes of the Serbian List. They also argue that if a broad-based coalition government is not formed, Kosovo should go to new national elections.

Rexhepi: “Peace Park” and “Tsar Lazar” issues to be resolved through dialogue (RTK)

Interior Minister, Bajram Rexhepi, said that the issue of the “Peace Park” and the construction of the “Tsar Lazar” square should be resolved through political means. Rexhepi said the Kosovo Police has not yet taken the order to remove the barricade on River Iber/Ibar because “there was no reason” for such a move.

“The Police don’t safeguard the blockade but the police is there to prevent a possible interethnic incident. This is not the job of the police but of politics. The police is not responsible for removing it, it acts when it receives orders”, Rexhepi said for RTK.


Who will lead the Government and Assembly, according to Krasniqi? (RTK)

Acting Assembly Speaker, Jakup Krasniqi, explained who has the right to take on the post of Assembly Speaker and Prime Minister. In a Facebook post, Krasniqi said that both posts belong to the bloc that has the majority to govern Kosovo.

He said democracy implies governance by the majority and in the case of Kosovo, a parliamentary majority. This requires at least 61 votes in the Assembly and whoever manages to secure this number will be able to elect the Assembly Speaker and Prime Minister.

Deadline extended to those interested in Brezovica Resort (RTK2)

The Ministry for Trade and Industry of Kosovo reported that deadline for submission of offers for the Brezovica Resort Development Project, which was previously set for 7 July, is extended to 9 September 2014.

Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee carried that deadline is extended due to multiple requests of all companies to be granted with additional time for collection of the necessary documentation.


Thaci: Foreign investments ten times higher by 2016 (RTK)

Kosovo’s outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said today that with the conclusion of tendering processes for the Brezovica ski resort and the Kosova e Re power plant, Kosovo will secure foreign investments four times higher in the next 12 months. Thaci said these investments would be ten times higher by 2016. “Direct foreign investments in Kosovo have marked a 13% increase compared to last year. This will be translated in further economic growth and tens of thousands of new jobs,” Thaci said.


Mustafa, Haradinaj and Limaj continue consultations (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj are expected to meet today at 17:00 in the headquarters of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) to discuss further steps for forming the government. A member of the AAK chairmanship, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Epoka e Re that there is an agreement between the AAK, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Initiative for Kosovo (Nisma) and the Vetevendosje Movement to not allow a third term for outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.