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Hashim Thaci’s calmness (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that current calmness of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci is quite reasonable, “being that he has always had a plan B and that he calculates every single move in advance.” She considers that except for Vetevendosje, Thaci knows all the other opposition leaders very well because he has trapped them at least once.

Clashes between ruling coalition partners (Gazeta Blic)

Citing sources in the Kosovo government, the news site reports that there are serious clashes between the ruling coalition partners, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Sources claim that some LDK ministers are slowly removing PDK people from key positions and trying to replace them with LDK members. “Some changes that [Finance] Minister Abdullah Hoti has made in the Kosovo Tax Administration and in the Kosovo Customs have triggered a rebellion by the PDK,” sources within the government said.

Mustafa's devilish game with President Rugova's son (Gazeta Blic)

Florim Zeqa criticizes in his opinion piece the current Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, for not keeping the promises made during the election campaign. Mentioning the promises to reduce the governing cabinet, return of the Dardanian flag and change of Kosovo’s anthem, fighting of those who have caught up Kosovo as well as the organized crime to the promise for economic development and creation of 120 thousand jobs, Zeqa writes that not only that the promises have not been kept, but Mustafa is doing the opposite.

Thaci either president or prime minister (Bota Sot)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Kushtrim Gashi, if the current governing coalition does not manage to implement the agreement between the two major parties for Hashim Thaci to become the president of Kosovo, then this coalition would conclude by the end of 2016, and early elections would proceed. Kosovo would be saved from early elections only if some of the deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo have already stated that they would not vote Thaci for the president, change their minds.

Opposition requests early elections (Koha)

The representatives of the three opposition parties, Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), have requested early parliamentary elections. The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosvo, Ramush Haradinaj, head of the NISMA’s parliamentary group Valdete Bajrami and Vetevendosje activist, Frasher Krasniqi, assessed that the only solution to save Kosovo from the current coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is holding of early elections.

“The Americans want Jahjaga to have another mandate as Kosovo President” (Gazeta Blic)

Citing unnamed international sources, the news site reports that Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga enjoys great support to have another mandate in office. “The Americans want to keep Jahjaga as President of Kosovo for another mandate. In fact, they’re already working on this,” the international source said.

Osmani: We should establish the special court, not the UN (Gazeta Express)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Vjosa Osmani said today that Kosovo’s authorities must establish the special court otherwise it will be done by the United Nations Security Council. Osmani argues that if the UN establishes the court this would send Kosovo back to the pre-independence period. She also called on the MPs to vote in favor of the court in order to prevent a worst-case scenario. “The United Nations have already established special courts, in the cases of Rwanda and Sierra Leone,” she said.

LDK to announce new members of presidency (Telegrafi/Botapress)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will soon publish the names of the party’s presidency. A source within the LDK told Botapress that party leader Isa Mustafa has decided to appoint Haki Rugova, Agim Veliu and Lutfi Haziri, all mayors in their respective municipalities, as members of the party’s presidency. Vjosa Osmani has not been included in the LDK General Council and will no longer be part of the party’s presidency. According to the same source, Sabri Hamiti will no longer be deputy leader of the LDK.