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First indictments prepared for war crimes of the KLA (KoSSev, TV Most, KIM radio, Politika)

The first indictments for war crimes of the KLA likely to be raised by year-end, writes daily Politika.

According to unofficial information of the Fund for Humanitarian Law, Politika writes, so far have been prepared indictments against eight persons.

The opening of the exhibition "Kosovo and Metohija – 10 steps" in Paris (KoSSev)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić will open today at the Serbian Cultural Centre in Paris, a multimedia interactive exhibition "Kosovo and Metohija - 10 steps", in cooperation with the municipality Zvečan/Zveçan, said the statement of the this office.

Youth see no future in Kosovo (Danas, Politika)

The views of the citizens in the north of Kosovo are divided when it comes to the Brussels dialogue and the most contradictions about the question of the formation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities (ZSO), these are the results of the opinion poll, conducted by several portals and several non-governmental organizations under the auspices of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society.

DSS : Repression by Serbian Progressive Party in Kosovo (Kossev)

DSS Provincial Board for Kosovo and Metohija in its latest press release supports the former President Sanda Rašković-Ivić in the attitude that "in no case'' should be made up a coalition with the Serbian Progressive Party in Voždovac, and especially not in Vračar, because the municipality of Vračar is a "symbol of resistance to dictatorship of Aleksandar Vučić."

Kosovo judiciary: Positions for another 14 Serbian judges (Kossev)

Agreement on the judiciary reached in Brussels last February should be fully implemented in September or October this year. Last year the vacancy for 48 judges of Serbian nationality was advertised and the Panel proposed 34 candidates to the Judicial Council. For the remaining 14 vacant positions in the repeated competition applied 28 candidates, whose appointment was decided by three judges of the Supreme Court and two judges of EULEX, said President of the Supreme Council of Kosovo, Nexhat Idrizi.


Rakić: Does 250,000 expelled Serbs from Kosovo represent Serbian 'colonization'? (Kossev)

After the statement of the leader of Self-determination movement Visar Imeri, related to the monument to Prince Lazar and chauvinistic character of Association / Community of Serb Municipalities, reacted the mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakić. “Imeri’s statement is given in a spirit of absolute lack of tolerance and understanding for other nations, in this case - Serbian.

26 companies interested in a feasibility study for Trepča (RTK2, KoSSev)

At a meeting of the Board of Privatisation Agency of Kosovo one of the highest priority issues was the question of Trepča and the tender which is open for the procurement of professional services for a feasibility study for Trepča.

The announcement from this meeting says that there is the great interest of international companies and consortiums, which have signed up to participate in this process. So far, 26 have applied for the tender, while 7 have submitted bids, said in the PAK statement.

Jablanović: Belgrade has no freedom to act (KoSSev, Vesti)

The biggest problem for the security of Serbs is that the current Albanian political representatives do not want their return to Metohija, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanović, founder of the Serbian list and the former minister for return in the Kosovo government.

Serbs are once again under attack in Klina/Klinë and Srbica/Skenderaj. Kosovo Ministry for Return condemns attacks, why Belgrade has no sharper reaction?

Serbian, Albanian PMs pay tribute to actor Bekim Fehmiu (B92, KoSSev)

The "Mirdita, dobar dan" ("good day" in Albanian and Serbian) festival was opened in Belgrade on Wednesday afternoon.

The annual presentation of the cultural and social scene of Kosovo is set to run until Saturday.

Organizers have said that their goal was "to bring together two societies aiming to overcome difficult consequences of the past and create conditions for a new start of young generations in the Balkans."