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Serbian Dečani/Deçan - The new Albanian revolt (KoSSev, Sputnik)

The announced protests of Albanians, because of the restitution of land of the Dečani monastery, could raise ethnic tensions, also might radicalize the differences between the Albanian parties, which could directly affect the Serbian community in Kosovo.

Media in Pristina are full of headlines on the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo about the return of land to the monastery of Visoki Dečani, which is why the Albanians announced mass protest.

Trajkovic: Serbia violated the Constitution (Kossev)

President of the European Movement in Kosovo Rada Trajkovic appealed to the Serbian authorities to begin issuing the "valid passports" to the Serbs residing in Kosovo. "The Serbian state put the Serbian community in Kosovo in a position to choose between Serbia and Schengen through its unconstitutional decision to issue passports of the Coordination Center to the Serbs residing in Kosovo.

Mayors of four municipalities condemn Pristina's decision (KIM radio, KoSSev,Tanjug)

The mayors of four municipalities in northern Kosovo on Saturday described the recent announcement of Pristina, on the ban of use of Serbian ID cards at the administrative crossings, as a threat of violence. They say that the Serbs will block the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings if the decision is implemented.

"Mountaineers" desecrate Serbian Orthodox church in Pristina (B92, RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

Pristina-based Albanian language website indeksonlajn has published photographs of two young men climbing an unfinished Orthodox temple.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is quoting local media as reporting that the scene was one of "a climbing challenge, to the top of the Orthodox church in Pristina."

The two unknown persons climbed up to the highest dome of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina.

Terrorist Albanian National Army "appears" in Kosovo (B92, KoSSev)

Armed and uniformed members of the so-called Albanian National Army (ANA; AKSh) "have appeared in the region of Southern (Kosovska) Mitrovica."
This has been reported by the northern-Kosovo based website Kossev, which cited as its source.

A journalist working for the website said he was present during the inspection of "the 21st brigade" of what Kossev said is "a paramilitary structure that is officially designated a terrorist formation."

"Kosovo owns 110 facilities in Serbia" (RTK2, KoSSev)

Kosovo has abroad, mainly in Serbia, not-privatized assets. The list of unsold property is consisted at a total of 162 companies.

Ninety-nine of Kosovo firms are located in Serbia. In addition, in Serbia are and 11 facilities belonging to the Trepca mining complex.

There are 35 companies in Montenegro, 35 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM 7 and 5 in Croatia and Slovenia.

Statement by the Office for KIM: We will not allow abolishment of University (KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

"On the occasion of speculation and false rumours related to the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, which were unsigned and released through certain media in Pristina, the Office for KiM announces the following:

Braathu: The Serbian List has performed its duties and enabled a quorum (KoSSev)

Ambassador of Norway in Kosovo, Jan Braathu was a guest of the Free Serbian (Slobodno Srpski) where he said that in this situation all are losers, because Kosovo’s reputation was damaged.

"The efforts that have been made in the last 8 years, to try to build the image of Kosovo, which was more positive, I would say realistically positive, is very much damaged," said Braathu, when he was asked about violence in recent months.

Windows smashed at the Interim municipality of Pec/Peja (Akter, KIM radio, KoSSev)

In Gorazdevac were broken windows at the premises of the Interim municipality of Pec/Peja, reported Radio Gorazdevac last night.

The facilities of the municipal authority are located in the central part of Gorazdevac, close to the Radio Gorazdevac.

So far there are no details about the incident, which happened last night.

Commission for verification of diplomas held its first meeting (KoSSev)

Kosovo Government Commission for verification of diplomas from the University of Pristina, with temporary headquarters in Mitrovica, yesterday held its first meeting.

The budget for the Commission was submitted to the Kosovo Government for the adoption and an office was provided for the work of this Commission, it was announced from the Kosovo Ministry of Education.