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EULEX on the ground to verify statements about the grave in the Village Piskota (Politika)

EULEX experts and staff of the Department of Forensic Medicine in Kosovo yesterday went to the field in the village Piskota, near Djakovica, to verify the information on suspicion of existence of a mass grave of Serbian civilians at the site, received from the War Crimes Prosecution of Serbia.

EULEX Spokeswoman, Dragana Nikolic Solomon, in an interview with Radio Free Europe (RFE) was unable to give a comment as the investigation is on-going. 

Families of kidnapped Serbs hope to learn about their fate (B92)

An association gathering families of Serb victims in Kosovo said it hoped that an investigation of a suspected mass grave will yield "concrete results."

 The Association of the Families of 1998-2000 Kosovo Victims warned at the same time that last year only nine people were identified from a long list of kidnapped Serbs, and this year none.

They hope that the probe announced on Monday by the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution and the EULEX Prosecution of a site in the village of Piskote "will give concrete results."

Serbia could reconcile EU and Russia (Danas, B92)

 Serbia's OSCE chairmanship next year will be "a great opportunity to take on a role and mediate in negotiations in order to smooth EU-Russia relations."

 "Serbia must use the opportunity so that an easy solution is found, so that NATO would not have to become involved in it," the Belgrade-based daily Danas is quoting Dušan Siđanski, a special adviser to the president of the European Commission, who was in Serbia for the Belgrade Security Forum.

Courage to investigate (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that when Bernd Borchard became head of the EULEX mission, he raised hopes among Kosovars that things would move forward in fighting corruption and organized crime. However, EULEX members are aware that their work cannot do miracles. The miracle in Kosovo is destruction of corruption, handcuffing of criminals, and bringing in front of the justice those that are symbolically known to the opinion as “big fish.”

EULEX fails to arrest suspect for the murder of KP officer (Koha)

An international prosecutor from the Mitrovica Basic prosecution, assisted by EULEX Police, executed an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol for Radomir Kasalovic in the north of Kosovo. The operation was carried out as part of investigations into a number of cases that include murder, attempted murder, illegal possession of weapons and obstruction of justice. The murder charges are related to the death of the Kosovo Police officer, Enver Zymberi, in July of 2011 and attack on the KP convoy in which the victim was travelling.

Prison for Thaci, Haradinaj, Limaj, Krasnici (Vesti online)

Indictments for the Albanian leaders, which are already certain, and attempts to erase their criminal past are blocking the Kosovo institutions. Hashim Thaci is trying to stay in office, in order to prevent an indictment for trafficking in human organs, which, according to the Court sources, a special prosecutor Clint Williamson has already prepared.