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Vucic with Western Balkans leaders in Sofia today (RTS)

President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker would conclude his Balkans tour in Sofia today, where a meeting with the Western Balkans leaders, including the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is planned, RTS reports.

EU High Representative Federica Mogherini would also attend the gathering. RTS further said, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is very important for the stability in the Balkans and as it was announced, President Vucic would speak with Hashim Thaci on the margins of gathering in Sofia.

Jevtic with Juncker, Hahn and Mogherini on ZSO and dialogue (Tanjug, RTS)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic met in Pristina with the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and EU Enlargement Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn, Serbian media reported.

During the meeting Jevtic emphasized the need to establish the Association of the Serb Municipalities as soon as possible as a precondition for substantive continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Serbia Thanks Russia For Support Over Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Serbian leaders heaped praise on Russia during Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Belgrade – while Lavrov in turn said Russia would not relent in its opposition to Kosovo's independence.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday accused the EU and NATO of creating an “unhealthy situation” in Europe, while his Serbian hosts thanked Russia for its support and repeated that Serbia will not introduce Western-style sanctions.

Kocijancic: Region to resolve open issues prior to joining EU (Danas)

The issue of reconciliation relates to the entire region. Recently approved EU Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans, clearly says “that regional cooperation and good neighborhood relations are of crucial importance for the progress in the EU integration,” EU High Representative Spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic told Danas daily.

Internal dialogue on Kosovo: Former foreign ministers on “four don’ts” (Insajder, BETA)

Former Serbian Foreign Minister, Vladislav Jovanovic said yesterday during the roundtable held within the framework of internal dialogue on Kosovo, that forgotten document related to the renewed accession of Serbia to the UN could be crucial in solving the Kosovo issue, Insajder portal reported.

Meanwhile, his colleague Zivorad Jovanovic said Serbia should pay attention to four things that Belgrade in no way must do.

Jan Kavan: EU cannot use Kosovo as ultimatum (Vecernje Novosti)

Petition against the independence of Kosovo is a reminder of violence against the law, and one must not pressure Serbian side only, former head of Czech diplomacy and UN General Assembly Chairman, Jan Kavan told Vecernje Novosti daily.

We have decided to sign a petition on Czech withdrawal of Kosovo recognition to once more point out an unacceptable precedent of unilaterally declared independence of the part of the Serbian territory, 10 years ago, he added.

EU on Rama's statement: Political interference in neighbouring countries is not of a help (RTS)

On the occasion of the "idea" of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the "joint president of Albania and Kosovo", the European Union states that "the statements that can be interpreted as a political interference in neighbouring countries" are counterproductive both in building good neighbourly relations and progress on the path of EU integration of the country region, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Zivadin Jovanovic: NATO and EU confirmed sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

UN SC Resolution 1244 is a final decision on Kosovo status and represents a synthesis of interests of all counties in the world, former head of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia diplomacy, Zivadin Jovanovic told Vecernje Novosti daily.

This solution was reached in a difficult negotiation, under NATO bombs of Serbia (respectively Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) and world power centers. The agreement was harmonized for three months and at many levels, Jovanovic, who was a participant and “logistic man” in this negotiation further said.

Dacic: Don't send us arrogant messages; don't insult us (B92, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says it is "absolutely counterproductive that some foreign ministers are sending arrogant messages to Belgrade."

Dacic, who is taking part in an informal meeting of EU and candidate countries' foreign ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria, noted on Friday that when it comes to bilateral disputes, EU's stance is "not to import instability, and to find solutions before accession."

The Serbian official, however, observed that this is a rule has not been respected so far.

Milincic: EU strategy is not friendly (TV N1)

Sputnik in Serbian, Editor-in-Chief, Ljubinka Milincic told TV N1 that the EU Enlargement Strategy for Western Balkans is not friendly towards Serbia, and it would be the best if they let Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement on their own.

She also commented on a statement of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations and Neighborhood Policy, Johannes Hahn that there is no draft of the legally binding agreement, paper remains blank and depends upon future negotiations.