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Jugović: Negotiations to shift to Moscow (Danas)

The vice-president of the Movement of Socialists (coalition partner of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party), Bratislav Jugović, who was presented as potential Serbian presidential candidate by the Russian web portal Sputnik, argues that negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina should shift to Moscow and explained that Russia is unavoidable geopolitical factor without which not a single problem can be settled.

Kosovo part of regional partnership for protection of children (Koha)

The European Union (EU) and UNICEF have broadened an important regional partnership that aims to protect children from violence and better include children with disabilities into society. Since 2011, UNICEF and the EU have been working together with countries currently in the process of joining the EU, such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey. This partnership is now expanding to include Kosovo, Montenegro, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. As of this year, the European Disability Forum (EDF) has joined the partnership.


Russian ambassador: Kosovo de facto protectorate, not state (B92, Beta)

Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin says it is "increasingly clear" the EU is lacks the strength to secure the implementation of Kosovo dialogue agreements.

"The European Union, with the consent of Belgrade, assumed the role of a mediator in resolving the conflict. But today it is increasingly clear that it lacks the strength to ensure the implementation of even the first (Brussels) agreement," the diplomat told TV Most from Zvecan, a town in northern Kosovo.

Đurić: Do not invent new conditions for the formation of the ZSO (KIM Radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić calls on the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, not to invent new conditions for the formation of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities and stresses that he expects from the EU to put pressure on Pristina to implement the signed agreements.

UNDP encourages interethnic trust through protection of cultural monuments (Klan Kosova)

As part of the Confidence Building through Cultural Protection project implemented by the UNDP and EU, Albanian and Serb youths came together and visited the Orthodox Church in Kamenica where they learnt of the investments in protection of cultural heritage. Nilgun Arif, project manager, said the project will be implemented in several municipalities and is aimed at encouraging interethnic trust through protection of cultural sites. The group also visited the Kamenica mosque, which will undergo restoration work.

Europe amidst wish and reality (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s opinion writer, Enver Robelli, recalls the European Summit held in Porto Carras, Greece in 2003, with the countries of the Western Balkans.  He quotes the statement made from the Summit that “The EU stresses that it supports without any reservation the European orientation of the Western Balkans countries. The Future of the Balkans states is in the European Union.” He also mentions the appeals made at that time for reforms, arrests of the suspects for war crimes, and return of refugees.

What The EU Must Do Now (Koha Ditore/Project Syndicate)

The paper runs an editorial by Anders Åslund is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, and the author, most recently, of Ukraine: What Went Wrong and How to Fix It.

The United Kingdom’s Brexit vote is arguably the greatest disaster ever to hit the European Union. Now, the EU must act fast – not least by ending the post-referendum market turmoil – if it is to survive.