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Mustafa: Kosovo fulfilled all criteria for visa liberalization (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today that Kosovo fulfilled all the criteria for visa liberalization, and that the government now is meeting with all responsible institutions to see once again if any part of the recommendations of the EU has remained unfulfilled. “All the requirements are fulfilled but there are some parts of the recommendations that were not fulfilled, since the EU has given recommendations and not requirements,” Mustafa said.

Mustafa: We expect to be able to travel without visas next year (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said there is no reason why the EU would not give a positive recommendation for visa liberalization as Kosovo has met all the necessary criteria. “We expect to be able to travel without visas next year,” said Mustafa at the meeting of his cabinet. He added however that the visa liberalization decision is political. Mustafa told his ministers that he met with the EU Special Representative for Kosovo Samuel Zbogar and was informed by him that there is no definite decision regarding the visa liberalization for the people of Kosovo.

Mustafa: 2015, year of big decisions for Kosovo (Koha)

At the meeting of the National Council for Economic Development organised by the Government of Kosovo, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa noted that the year in going was a time of big decisions and changes in Kosovo. Among the main achievements in 2015, PM Mustafa singled the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with European Union which, he said, laid the foundation of Kosovo’s European perspective. “SAA will enable our businesses to have access to a larger market, completely different from what we had so far, reaching as many as 500 million consumers,” noted Mustafa.

Mustafa recaps on the work of the government, asks his ministers to travel less (Koha)

In the meeting of the government, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa spoke about the annual work of the government and commended the ministries on their work. He said that despite difficulties, the Government has managed to fulfill main objectives for this year with the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union being one of the most significant achievements in 2015.

Mustafa: Ruling-coalition is stable (KlanKosova)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, during a press conference today mentioned the achievements of the government this year and said 2015 was a year of big challenges. "The ruling-coalition has been stable and managed to overcome all situations and decisions that were not easy but beneficial to Kosovo's prospects for the future,” Mustafa said. According to him, opposition parties must renounce violence and should accept the government’s invitation to discuss the recent agreements with Serbia and Montenegro.

Mustafa: Kosovo fulfilled technical criteria for visa liberalization (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and European integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, today met with the ambassadors of the EU member states to Kosovo to discuss the visa liberalization process. Mustafa and Collaku informed the ambassadors that Kosovo fully met the technical criteria for visa liberalization and Kosovo expect the EU to make the promised political decision which would recommend that next year Kosovo citizens would be able to travel without visas to EU countries.

Haradinaj: Mustafa is late with his invitation for dialogue (Indeksonline)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said today that the invitation of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa for a meeting with the opposition leaders was sent too late. “The Prime Minister who caused these traumas to the country for several months now wants a meeting, without any purpose. His behavior is nonsense,” Haradinaj said.  He said the opposition leaders will meet President Atifete Jahjaga these days. “It may be that these days we will meet again with President Jahjaga.

Mustafa invites opposition for a meeting on 7 December (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa during a press conference today said he sent an official invitation to the three opposition leaders to meet on 7 December  in the premises of the Assembly and discuss the recent agreements with Serbia and Montenegro which are being opposed by the opposition. The invitation was also sent to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci.

Mustafa: We have received Kerry’s full support (Epoka e Re)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa informed on Thursday during the meeting of the government that the U.S. Secretary of state gave full support to the work of the government. Mustafa said he feels happy for the support that the U.S. is giving to Kosovo. He informed that he discussed with Secretary Kerry the current issues in Kosovo, Euro-Atlantic integration orientation, the work of the government, stability and peace of the region and the issues which currently concern Kosovo.

Opposition presents three alternatives to the Prime Minister (Koha)

Activists of the three opposition parties, the Vetevenodsje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), initiated today a symbolic action for the release of the arrested MPs. They stopped in front of the Kosovo Police Headquarters carrying pamphlets “Freedom for Deputies! Down dictatorship!” and “No violence can stop us.”