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Mustafa: Millions in benefits from the telephone code (Koha)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that Kosovo has made a big step in completing He said that Kosovo has made a big step in completing the statehood by obtaining international dialing code +383. In a post on Facebook, Mustafa said that the allocation of telephone code strengthens Kosovo’s sovereignty. “Today, the Republic of Kosovo has been allocated the international dialing code +383. Kosovo has achieved a breakthrough by making an important step in completing the elements of statehood.

Mustafa: Wall in the north to be removed (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today in a visit to Gjilan/Gnjilane that the wall constructed by Mitrovica North authorities is outside the framework of the Brussels agreement on revitalization of Iber River bridge. According to Mustafa, the wall will be removed. Mustafa also spoke about his recent meeting with Montenegrin Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, which he said took place in a friendly atmosphere.

Kosovo Montenegrins welcome Mustafa-Markovic meeting (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Montenegrins have welcomed Sunday’s meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and his Montenegrin counterpart, Dusko Markovic, who discussed the border demarcation between the two countries. Slobodan Vujicic, leader of the Association of Montenegrins of Kosovo, issued a media statement saying that the meeting confirms not only the friendly relations between the two nations and states “but also their joint aspiration toward values of civilisation and common strategic interests”.

Kosovo, Montenegro premiers meet in neighboring Albania (AP)

Officials say the prime ministers of Kosovo and Montenegro have met for talks on bilateral and regional issues.

A statement said Kosovo Premier Isa Mustafa and recently-elected Montenegrin counterpart Dusko Markovic met Sunday in Shkoder, 120 kilometers (80 miles) north of Albania's capital, Tirana, and close to the Montenegrin border. They talked about "intensifying especially economic cooperation."

Mustafa on Mitrovica wall: We will not be flexing muscles (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today with regards to the recently-constructed wall in Mitrovica North that Kosovo’s achievements cannot be measured in relation to a construction of a wall. In a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj, Mustafa said that the wall will be tackled through legal means and that the government is also in talks with the EU. “We will not be flexing our muscles because the law will do that. The Minister of Dialogue is in contact with the EU to see whether it is in harmony with the agreement,” Mustafa said.

Bulliqi: Mustafa’s idea to measure the territory, yet another joke (gazetablic)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), who is also professor of geography and one of the main opponents of the agreement on demarcation of the border with Montenegro, Shpejtim Bulliqi, objected the proposal of the Prime Minister of Kosovo on establishment of a new commission which would asses’ delineation of the border. He said that Mustafa’s idea is not the right one at all. According to him the territory cannot be measured without prior decision on the start points of the measurement.

AAK against establishment of the commission on demarcation (RTK)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), informed through a press release that they do not welcome the proposal of the Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa, for establishment of a commission that would assess Kosovo’s delineation of the border with Montenegro.

This party considers Mustafa’s proposal  to be an insult and adds that he is trying to legitimize his theory.

Rašić: Demarcation as a condition derived from Pristina (

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Serbian List, said during an extensive interview for that his party does not have a stance on creation of the army of Kosovo. He considers that this issue is not a priority. “We are far from any kind of discussions and there are absolutely minor chances to have discussions regarding the army in the future.

Opposition warns: If demarcation returns, we will stop it again (Lajmi)

The news website reports that according to Kosovo government officials, the agreement on the border demarcation with Montenegro will be sent back to Parliament next month. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said recently that the opposition and the Serbian List are responsible for blocking the border demarcation with Montenegro and visa liberalisation for Kosovo.